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Module 13 Perceptual Organization Constructing Our View of the World 02 19 2012 The Gestalt Laws of Organization Set of principles that focus on the ways we organize bits and pieces of information into meaningful wholes o Closure we group elements to form enclosed or complete figures rather than open ones o Proximity we perceive elements that are closer together as grouped together o Similarity elements that are similar in appearance are perceived as grouped together o Simplicity we perceive patterns in the most basic straightforward manner that we can 2 objects considered together form a whole that is different from the simple combination of objects active constructive process within the brain Top down and Bottom Up Processing top down processing perception is guided by higher level knowledge experience expectations and motivations illustrated by the importance of context in determining how we perceive objects experience to bear on perception bottom up processing the progression of recognizing and processing information from individual components of a stimuli and moving to the perception of a whole process the fundamental characteristics of stimuli Depth Perception Translating 2D to 3D Depth perception ability to perceive the world in 3D and perceive distance is due to that fact we have 2 eyes Binocular disparity difference in images seen by the right and left eye Monocular cues certain cues that permit us to obtain a sense of depth and distance with just one eye o Motion parallax the change in position of an object on the retina caused by movement of your body relative to the object o Relative size smaller objects are farther than larger ones o Texture gradient details of things that are far away are less distinct o Linear perspective used to estimate distance Perceptual Constancy Perceptual constancy is a phenomenon in which physical objects are perceived as unvarying and consistent despite changes in their appearance or in the physical environment Motion Perception As the World Turns We perceive stimulus that is heading towards us as moving objects instead of an expanding stimulus viewed at a constant distance We factor information about our own head and eye movements along with information about changes in the retinal image Apparent movement the perception that a stationary object is moving occurs when different areas of the retina are quickly stimulated leading us to interpret motion Perceptual Illusions The Deceptions of Perceptions Visual illusions physical stimuli that consistently produce errors in perception M ller Lyer illusion 2 lines are the same length but because of the arrows pointing in different directions they appear to be of different lengths Cultural differences Variations in learning and experience produce cross cultural differences in perception Perception of messages about which we have no awareness can Subliminal Perception effect our behavior Extrasensory Perception Perception that does not involve our known senses 02 19 2012 02 19 2012

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UMass Amherst PSYCH 100 - Module 13: Perceptual Organization: Constructing Our View of the World

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