Unit V Respiration 1 What is the formula for trans pulmonary pressure 2 3 What does pneumothorax end in an Example is a car accident or getting If you expand the chest cavity volume what do you do to the pressure 4 stabbed In Inspiration the diaphragm and inspiratory intercostal muscles contract and the thorax expands what happens to the trans pulmonary pressure 5 What happens to the chest wall and trans pulmonary pressure during expiration 6 Diaphragm contracts and intercostal muscles contract is called 7 Diaphragm and intercostal muscles stops contracting is called 8 The ability of the lung to stretch is called 9 Ability lung to return to its resting volume is called 10 Lung compliance is directly proportional to 11 Lung compliance is inversely proportional to 12 Molecules disrupt cohesive forces between water molecules are called 13 When a baby doesn t produce a surfactant surfactants helps with breathing their condition is known as 14 Gas exchange requires 15 If the concentration of oxygen falls below 100 and the concentration of CO2 goes above 40 this is called 16 If the concentration of oxygen is above 100 and CO2 is below 40 this is called 17 What four polypeptides make up a hemoglobin molecule 18 Hemoglobin requires what element 19 Where does hemoglobin transport oxygen 20 Factors affect the binding of hemoglobin with oxygen 21 As partial pressure increase what happens to solubility 22 As partial pressure decreases what happens to hemoglobin 23 As pH becomes more acidic decreases what does hemoglobin do to oxygen 24 As temperature and CO2 increases is oxygen released from hemoglobin 25 What percent of CO2 remains in plasma What percent is generated in the tissues 26 As 2 3 DPG is added to your blood what happens to oxygen 2 3 DPG occurs when your body is at high altitudes 27 What is significant about fetal hemoglobin compared to its mother 28 What three ways is carbon dioxide transported 29 Part of the brain controls inhalation and exhalation 30 Two groups of Medulla Oblongata 31 Contains inspiratory neurons that control external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm 32 How long does inhalation take How long does exhalation take 33 What controls quiet breathing and tidal volume 34 Neurons that are involved in expiration control intercostal neurons and abdominal muscles 35 Increases Intensity of Inhalation 36 Inhibits the apneustic center 37 What happens when the pneumotaxic center stops the apneustic center 38 Type of chemoreceptors Found in carotid and aortic bodies Respond to oxygen levels in the blood plasma 39 Chemoreceptors found in the medulla oblongata that control pH concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid 40 The main regulator of respiratory rate 41 Refers to high levels of carbon dioxide 42 Refers to low levels of carbon dioxide Kidney 1 Functions of the kidney 6 2 The functional unit of the Kidney is 3 The driving force for movement of fluid out of the glomerulus is 4 How do you calculate Filtration Pressure 5 How do you calculate net hydrostatic pressure 6 How many liters of plasma do you filter a day in the kidney 7 How much do you urinate on average per day 8 The amount of filtrate your kidneys produce over time is called 9 What would the GFR of a person be who eliminates 84 mg of creatine per hour and has a plasma creatinine concentration of 1 4mg dl 10 How do you calculate Filtered Load 11 When clearance is greater than GFR what is occurring 12 When clearance is less than the GFR what is occurring 13 When you vasoconstrict the afferent arteriole it increases resitance but what does it do to the GFR 14 Vasoconstriction of efferent arteriole does what to the GFR 15 Relased in response to the stretching of the atrial walls of the heart by increased blood volume or blood pressure 16 When ANP acts on the hypothalamus what happens 17 When ANP acts on the kidney what happens 18 When ANP acts on the adrenal cortex what happens 19 After Acts on these three what happens to blood pressure and volume 20 Converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II 21 What process occurs in the glomerulus capsule 22 What percent of the volume of the filtrate is recaptured in the proximal convoluted tubule 23 What is the process called when the filtrate is recaptured in the proximal convoluted tubule glucose sodium and water reabsorbed 24 How much of the filtrate is reabsorbed when it reaches the Loop of Henle permeable here 25 What part of the loop of Henle can water come in and out of water is 26 What part of the loop takes out sodium chlorine and potassium ions 27 What drug blocks sodium chlorine and potassium and stops this whole process 28 Part of the loop of Henle that returns solutes and water reabsorbed without disrupting the concentration gradient 29 The main area of pH blood regulation 30 Inserts water channels into the distal convoluted tubule 31 Reabsorbs sodium in the distal convoluted tubule 32 Reabsorbs calcium in the distal convoluted tubule 33 If pH is too low what ions are absorbed What ions are excreted Where 34 If pH is too high what ions are absorbed What ions are excreted Where does this take place does this take place 35 What is the process of micturition how you pee Reproduction hormone 1 1 What is the integrating center 1 in spermatogenesis and what is trophic 2 What hormones are released from anterior pituitary 3 What cells does LH luteinizing hormone act on 4 What cells are the FSH follicle stimulating hormone target 5 The creation of sperm is called 6 The maturation of sperm is called 7 What do the sertoli cells release 8 What is the function of the paracrine 9 Bind to testosterone to begin spermatogonium 10 Why can t a male achieve an erection 11 How does Viagra stimulate a male erection 12 Is ejaculation sympathetic or parasympathetic 13 What about an erection sympathetic or parasympathetic 14 How long does a menstrual cycle last and what are the two types of cycles 15 Prepares uterus to receive fertilized oocyte 16 Prepares one oocyte per month 17 Three phases ovarian cycle 18 Three phases Uterine cycle 19 In the ovarian cycle what is integrating center 1 and what is trophic hormone 1 20 What is center 2 And what hormones are released 21 Estrogen dominates which phase 22 Progesterone dominates what phase 23 Where is progesterone released 24 Where is estrogen released 25 Does the temperature increase when ovulation occurs Respiration Answers 1 TP Palv Pip 2 Decrease pressure 3 A collapsed lung 4 Transpulmonary pressure increases 5 TP decreases and chest wall
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