Lessons 1 2 Lesson 3 Homunculus more receptors on the hand than on the torso Even through the torso is so big and the hand is so small The sensitivity is not proportional to the body size Crude touch grabbing something larger more pressure needed Fine Touch Grabbing something smaller use less pressure Superior colliculus vision visual reflexes Inferior auditory reflexes Spinocerebellar pathway spinothalamic pathways Salty and sour use passive channels no G proteins Eye movement of Light in but transduction of signals is in the opposite direction Area of overlap in vision Types of communication that the body uses The classes of hormones which hormones are in each class o Amino acid Tyrosine Catecholamines epinephrine norepinephrine dopamine Tryptophan serotonin melatonin o Peptide Glycoproteins TSH LH FSH o Lipid don t need a second messenger Eicosanoids leukotrienes and prostaglandins First and second messenger Up regulation if there is little hormone then the receptors for that hormone will become more sensitive to it Down regulation if there is a lot of a particular hormone then that receptor for that hormone will become less sensitive to it o Changed the response to the hormone depending on whether there is a high or low concentration of it Feedback mechanisms for hormones TRH TSH hypothalamus releases TRH which tells pituitary to release TSH which tells thyroid gland it to release TH HCH Know the anatomical structure of the pituitary gland What is in the Posterior lobe Oxytocin ADH and the anterior lobe TSH hypothalamus releases TRH which tells pituitary to release TSH which tells thyroid gland it to release TH ACTH FSH and what hormones are released from each Know the difference between diabetes insipidus and melillitus type 1 and 2 Lesson 4 Know functions of thyroid gland Calcitriol and parathyroid hormone work together calcitonin is different Adrenal medulla controlled by sympathetic while adrenal cortex is controlled by ACTH Aldosterone exchanges sodium for potassium ADH is also used to conserve water Natriuretic reduces blood volume and therefore increase water output Negative feedback mechanism for the kidneys when blood volume and pressure drops o Urination occurs prevents ADH and aldosterone from being released Thymus gland helps the functions of the lymphocytes and white blood cell production when young In adults it doesn t really do much Leptin is released as we eat food to make us aware of our fullness o As food is absorbed by the adipocytes more leptin is released Leptin is not released fast though Know the effects of hormones and examples synergistic antagonistic What happens if you don t have enough GH dwarfism and gigantism Nephropathy refers to kidney and neuropathy refers to nervous system What happens in each phase of GAS o Alarm o Resistance o Exhaustion organs start to shut down
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