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Chapter 5 States of Consciousness Waking Sleeping Hypnotic Drug Induced Sleep and Dreams Consciousness is the awareness of sensations thoughts and feelings being experienced at a given moment Our subjective experience or understanding of the environment around us and our internal world Personal and subjective difficult to study consciousness States of Sleep Importance of sleep Variability of hours needed Are neurons repairing themselves Are neurotransmitters at rest so receptor cells rest Studies show sleep deprived individual is irritable lack concentration loss of creativity decline in logical reasoning slow reaction time and decrease academic and physical performance Once allowed to sleep bounce back Unconscious wish fulfillment Freud dreams represent uncon wishes which are threatening in consciousness latent content of dreams means meaning is disguised The story line of the dream is the manifest content Some interpret dreams in more everyday ways use more direct symbols symbol mountain represents accomplishment Viewed as a way of practicing real life events managing stress Dreams For Survival Theory Dreams permit information that is critical for our daily survival to be processed and reconsidered during sleep Dreams represent daily concerns decisions ideas consolidate memories Research supports when allowed to dream remembered a task Dreams as Activation Synthesis Theory Brain electrically wires memories and makes sense of our experiences Four stages and REM Stage 1 move from waking state to relaxed state characterized by relative rapid low amplitude brain waves Stage of Transition which lasts only a few minutes S tage2 slower more regular brain waves Interruptions of spiky waves called sleep spindles Stage 3 brain waves become slower with higher peaks and valleys Stage 4 pattern is even slower and more regular people least responsive makes up half our total sleep when person is in their twenties Characterized by REM rapid eye movement occurs several times a night and is characterized by increased heart rate blood pressure eye movements and dreaming Emotion motivation visual imagery is activated When deprived of REM sleep one has a rebound effect and person falls in REM and spends more time We all have Circadian Rhythms Biological processes that occur regularly on an approx 24 hour cycle Sleeping and waking is an example Temperature hormone production BP Hypnosis a trancelike state of heightened susceptibility to the suggestion of others People will not carry out anti social behavior or reveal hidden truths Controversial as to whether it is a different state of consciousness there is a difference in brainwave activity but this may not signify enough of a difference Different enough to help control pain reduce smoking heightened relaxation improve recall of events Meditation A learned technique for refocusing attention that brings about an altered state of consciousness Includes repetition of a mantra picture and image Can improve health produce biological changes oxygen decrease heart and BP decrease brain wave changes reduce anxiety decrease depression Psychoactive Drugs Alter state of consciousness drugs that influence a person s emotions perceptions and behavior Caffeine and alcohol included Affect the nervous system in different ways may alter limbic system effect the operation of neurotransmitters block or enhance release or mimic the effect Addictive Drugs Drugs that produce a biological or psychological dependence in the user so that withdrawal from them leads to a craving for the drug that may be intense Biologically based addiction the body becomes accustomed to functioning while drug is in the body so it eventually cannot function without it Different drugs take longer to become addicted Underlying Causes 0f Use Escape from current stress or reality expectation of pleasure or effect peer pressure easy availability try something new escape feelings of helplessness and despair Prevention is key Stimulants Drugs that have an arousal effect on the central nervous system causing rise in heart rate BP and muscle tension Caffeine increase alertness decrease reaction time improve mood nervousness insomnia anxiety irritability Cocaine and Amphetamines Benzedrine Dexedrine Mood elevation increased energy decreased appetite anxiety irritability insomnia Withdrawal apathy fatigue depression agitation irritability sleep suicidal thoughts inconsistent behavior Depressants Alcohol Barbituates Nebutal Seconal Heroin Morphine Anxiety pain reduction apathy difficulty concentration Reduces anxiety inc impulsiveness mood swings suicidal thoughts slurred speech disorientation slowed mental ability and physical function Withdrawal weakness restlessness nausea vomiting headaches irritability depression acute anxiety hallucinations seizures possible death Narcotics slowed speech confusion decreased physical activity nausea Withdrawal anxiety vomiting pain irritability runny nose tremors panic chills sweating Hallucinogens Marijuana euphoria relaxed inhibitions increased appetite anxiety Withdrawal anxiety dangerous behavior memory impairment bizarre behavior decreased testosterone lower immune system MDMA Ecstasy heightened sense of insight feelings of peace empathy energy Withdrawal depression anxiety sleeplessness LSD heightened aesthetic response vision and depth distortion paranoia panic sensitivity to faces and gestures euphoria

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