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OUTLINE Chapter 3 Mod 7 8 9 NEUROSCIENCE BEHAVIOR 1 Neurons and Neural communication a Neurons neural impulses b Neural communication c Neurotransmitters 2 Nervous system a Structure and function b Reflexes vs Neural networks 3 The Brain a Studying the brain b Brain regions function c Plasticity d Hemispheric differences Gazzaniga article video NEURONS STRUCTURE Dendrite the in box It receives signals from sensory structures like taste buds other neurons Cell body basic cell functions Axon the out box axon away It sends signals to other neurons effector cells muscles Myelin Sheath A fatty substance that encases the axons of some cells and increases the speed of transmission Terminal Vesicles Store and eventually release enzymes called neurotransmitters NT The NTs are released into the Synapse A small space between the axons of one cell and the dendrites of the next cell Receptor Sites Locations on the dendrite of the next neuron NTs bind to receptor sites and the whole process begins anew NEURONS COMMUNICATION How do neurons communicate 1 How does information travel within a neuron Action potential o All neurons have a resting state 70mV o Dendrite is stimulated positive ions flow into the cell until o Threshold is reached 65mV action potential is triggered all or nothing response o Wave moves down axon o Wave reaches axon terminals 2 How is information passed from one neuron to the next Wave reaches axon terminals Neurotransmitters are released into the synapse NTs bind with receptors on dendrite of next neuron Process starts in the next cell o NTs can excite the next neuron OR inhibit the next neuron Refractory Period o Brief period when the neuron is unable to fire again until Reuptake occurs excess NTs are taken back for reuse in the axon of the neuron that released them Axon returns to resting state of 70mV NEUROTRANSMITTERS Acetylcholine Movement learning memory Too little alzheimer s dementia Endorphins Nature s pain reliever Eating chocolate athletics stress Cracking your knuckles releases endorphins Serotonin Mood sleep hunger arousal Too little depression Dopamine Movement learning attention emotion Too much schizophrenia Too little parkinson s GABA Eating sleeping Too little anxiety disorders Inhibitory rather than excitatory DRUGS effect on neural communication Drugs can have two effects 1 Agonists mimic the action of the NT 3 Antagonists block the action of NT Agonists the enhancer binds at neurotransmitter sites receptor sites blocks cleanup of neurotransmitter leaving increases number of receptors on receiving counteracts enzymes that clean out synapse EX Valium Xanax GABA Prozac Zoloft more neuron serotonin Antagonists the blocker blocks neurotransmitter sites destroys neurotransmitter leaving less decreases effectiveness of the neurotransmitter EX Haldol dopamine NERVOUS SYSTEM STRUCTURE Central and Peripheral Peripheral autonomic involuntary control and somatic voluntary control Autonomic sympathetic arousing and parasympathetic calming We re only going to talk about the Central Nervous System CNS NERVOUS SYSTEM TYPES OF NEURONS 1 Sensory Neurons Afferent From the body toward the brain Specialized for different sensations 2 Motor Neurons Efferent from the brain back to the body 3 Interneurons Communication between sensory and motor neurons Communication highway Example Mosquito lands on your arm CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM SPINAL CORD Certain emergency messages very fast response Q How A Reflexes Skip the brain Info is fed up and down the spinal cord only o Fast response o Poor motor control Ex Step on something in the middle of the night Draw foot back reflex Feel pain Identify roommate s junk on the floor brain CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM BRAIN Connection between brain and behavior What does what Still one of the biggest questions in psych today Early Theory PHRENOLOGY What is it Tried to relate behavior to bumps on the skull Problems with Phrenology Shape of the brain and skull don t always match It was difficult to falsify o EX John isn t greedy but he has a big greedy bump Why Maybe he has an even bigger non greedy bump somewhere Can t see the brain or its activity CURRENT TECHNIQUES Neuroimaging CAT scan X ray of your brain Useful for holes and lesions MRI Bombard your brain with radio waves which affects the naturally occurring magnetic field of your brain Active areas produce different magnetic fields than inactive areas EX nondrinker solving puzzles vs drinker solving puzzles drinker has much less activity in frontal lobe Inject with radioactive glucose Active areas in the brain use the glucose and PET scan glow EX appreciation for music is a right brain task so the right areas of the brain will glow when subject is asked to assess whether the music is goos when asked to analyze follow the musical notes other areas light up BRAIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Region BRAINSTEM medulla oblongata pons reticular formation Associated Behavior breathing heart rate etc pathway from spinal cord to higher brain sleep wake arousal cerebellum little brain coordination movement balance thalamus hypothalamus limbic system amygdala hippocampus Cerebral Cortex switchboards for the brain emotion memory sensation movement and all higher order behaviors BRAIN CEREBRAL CORTEX FRONTAL LOBES Functions strategic behavior o Categorization emotional behavior o Phinneus gage Contains the Motor Cortex Sends information out to the body Related to movement Receives incoming information Related to sensation PARIETAL LOBE Contains the Sensory Cortex OCCIPITAL LOBE Functions vision TEMPORAL LOBE Functions auditory behavior Broca s area and Wernicke s area language memory 1 Look at face occipital and right frontal 2 Remember face hippocampus BRAIN WHAT DOES WHAT Localization of function Reading a written word 1 retina 2 optic nerve 3 through diencephalon LGN 4 visual cortex parietal lobe 5 Temporal lobe 6 Wernicke s Area comprehension 7 Broca s Area speaking 8 Motor Cortex 9 Lungs vocal cords mouth lips etc 10 Auditory system becomes activated provides feedback BRAIN FUNCTION Hemispheric Differences Left logic speech analytical Right emotion Music Artistic Corpus Collosum membrane that connects divides halves Left analytical processing Right holistic processing E E E E E E EEEEEEEEE E E E E E E Left brain recognizes the E right brain recognizes the H SPLIT BRAINS Corpus Collosum membrane that connects divides halves NORMAL Division of labor works very nicely IN ALL OF US Left side of the brain right

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