OUTLINE Modules 14 15 16 CONSCIOUSNESS 1 Circadian Rhythms 2 Sleep Stages of Sleep Sleep Debt Why we sleep Sleep disorders 1 Dreams o Why do we dream 2 Hypnosis read Module 15 3 Drugs o Depressants o Narcotics o Stimulants o Hallucinogens DEFINING CONSCIOUSNESS Def our awareness of ourselves our behavior and our environment at any given moment Consciousness is not a unitary construct Awake daydreaming asleep subliminal Awake different levels of awareness EX learning to drive vs driving now Today Altered states of consciousness Sleep dreaming drugs SLEEP CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS Circadian rhythm 1 Fluctuations in alertness energy and mood over the course of the day Biological clock about a 24 hour period really 25 hours 2 These shifts are related to underlying bodily processes Daily cycles occur in Hormone production Body temperature Blood pressure 3 Changes as we get older 4 We seem to function better both cognitively physically in our peak time MEQ Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire Differences across the lifespan 2 college students are morning people 50 evening 80 adults over 60 morning people 2 evening 5 Our circadian cycles run a little bit long We see evidence of this in 1 jet lag and 2 Monday morning blues WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE SLEEP Wakefulness 5 Stages of sleep 90 100 minute cycles Different patterns of brain activity Awake alpha waves Stage 1 Sleep approximately 5 minutes less brain activity hallucinations jerking easy to awaken reasonably coherent Stage 2 sleep about 20 minutes sleep spindles burst of brain activity still somewhat easy to wake up Stage 3 4 about 30 minutes delta waves longer slower peaks very hard to wake you up but whispering your name will wake you up STAGE 5 Rapid Eye Movement REM REM sleep 30 45 minutes strong brain activity paradoxical sleep when dreams occur increased sexual arousal paralyzed to keep us from acting out our dreams Important characteristics of REM sleep 1 REM Rebound if we lose REM sleep we make it up first double the amount of REM sleep time the next night important physio psychological function 2 Changes over the course of the evening as the night progresses o stages 3 4 decreases o REM sleep increases More likely to awaken in the morning during a dream WHY DO WE SLEEP Nobody really knows but here are a few theories 1 Sleep provides some essential biological function Evidence 1 Make up lost sleep 2 Sleep deprivation effects a Mood irritability b Mental work suffers major car accidents can occur at 2am c Immune system not getting enough sleep can cause you to get sick 3 Sleep debt a Most teens college aged students are sleep deprived b Could have serious mental physical development repercussions Problems with this theory 1 The amount of sleep needed varies a Da Vinci Edison Dali Clinton 2 Motivation can overcome cognitive deficits 3 Too much sleep increases mortality rates a 7 8 hours appears optimal b 4 hours 10 times higher mortality rate c 10 hours twice as high mortality rate i People who are depressed tend to sleep more ii People who are depressed for a long period of time have higher mortality rates d Paradox when allowed to free run people sleep 9 10 hours SLEEP DEBT Q How do we deal with sleep debt A Naps are good Pilots on long flights do better if they take a You can live happily with one 30 minute nap short nap every 4 hours All of the famous people who reported little sleep also reported frequent naps Tendency to nap might be biologically programmed o Siesta cultures everyone naps in the late afternoon for a couple hours South American and some European countries o free run includes 2 sleep periods SLEEP DISORDERS 1 Klein Levin Days of uninterrupted sleep 2 Restless leg syndrome Tension in muscles jittery inability to relax during bedtime sometimes wake themselves up sometimes kick their partner 3 Night terrors Suddenly awake in non REM sleep Extreme fear and panic sometimes screaming and shrieks Go immediately back to sleep No recollection of event 4 Narcolepsy fall asleep at any time EX scuba diving putting out a fire often triggered by intense emotional experience 5 Apnea person stops breathing during sleep wakes up gasping falls right back asleep Either a Brain signals to diaphragm are cut off b Interference from the tongue throat larynx 6 Insomnia inability to fall asleep 10 15 of adults get it Many Causes 1 Psychological overload 2 Drugs a Anxiety depression stress stimulus a Caffeine alcohol nicotine decongestants 3 Health problems a Anything that interferes with breathing Treating Insomnia Limit time asleep in bed Go to bed only to sleep Relaxation training Nonsense syllables DREAMS Why do we dream 1 Freudian Theory Unconscious wish fulfillment a Manifest content what s going on in the b Latent content the significance of the dream dream MC on the beach playing in the sand you build a sand castle then a thunder lightning storm hits and you have to leave the beach LC structure like castles represent you mother and or the womb so you re hanging out all happy with your mom and or her womb The lightning which is kind of phallic represents your dad And here he comes along and ruins your good time by making i train So this dream represents your anger with your father for messing up your realtionship with your mom Why not just dream the latent content Shame Guilt 2 Consolidation of new information Dreams for Survival 2 stages of learning transfer between stages Evidence people deprived of REM sleep 3 Physiological stimulation Keeps neural pathways exercised Evidence lots of REM sleep in newborns Babies spend 80 of their sleep in REM adults only 20 4 Activation synthesis Dreams represent an attempt to make sense of random neural firing Evidence limbic emotion system very active PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS Active vs Psycho active Drugs Tylenol vs morphine Both are analgesics but Morphine also produces euphoria Four classes of Psycho Active Drugs 1 Depressants Slow down brain functions neural activity and bodily functions 2 Narcotics Reduces anxiety and pain 3 Stimulants Energize the body excite neural activity arous bodily function 4 Hallucinogens Distort perceptions and evoke vivid images DEPRESSANTS EX Alcohol barbiturates tranquilizers Effects 1 Slows down brain functions Why does it seem to energize if it s a depressant Because it depresses inhibitory brain regions EX alcohol quiets the voices that say don t drive your car over that person s lawn and don t tell random people that they are ugly 2 Shuts down sympathetic NS flight
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