OUTLINE Modules 17 18 19 LEARNING LEARNING 1 What is learning 2 Classical Pavlovian conditioning 3 Operant Conditioning 4 Observational Learning Examples of learning The public learned about the Kardashian family secrets After weeks of practice Gaby Douglass finally learned to do a double back flip The students learned lots of fascinating facts about intro psychology Bob learned the hard way that it is not a good thing to go running right after eating a pizza LEARNING A Definition Any relatively permanent change in behavior produced by experience Can be a direct or indirect experience Associative Learning A process in which you form associations between stimuli and other events By forming associations we acquire new information and meaning and we behave differently EX I press the gas pedal the car moves forward I press the brake pedal the car stops Little Albert experiment put a rat in front of baby Albert Once he became accustomed to the rat any time the rat was in front of Albert they would make a loud noise causing Albert to cry Then whenever they put the rat in front of Albert he would cry even without the noise Pavlov s Dogs what sorts of signals began salivation Is just seeing food enough to start the digestive process The sight of food will make dogs salivate as seen through a test tube surgically attached to the dog s salivary gland However even without food the dog salivated because it formed an association with Pavlov feeding it food CLASSICAL CONDITIONING The Unconditioned Reflex 1 Dog is hungry 2 Dog sees food 3 Dog salivates Food Salivation Unconditional Reflex Food UCS Salivation UCR 1 Unconditioned Stimulus UCS Food The aspect of the environment that generates a response automatically without learning 2 Unconditioned Response UCR Salivating the response evoked not learned by the UCS Characteristics of the Unconditioned Reflex Unconditioned stimulus and response occur naturally hard wired Stimulus starts the chain Response ends the chain Unconditioned reflex a pre existing stimulus response connection CLASSICAL CONDITIONING The Conditioned Reflex 1 Dog is hungry 2 Dog hears bell 3 Dog sees food 4 Dog Salivates Finally Bell Conditional Reflex Bell Food Salivation Salivation Bell CS Salivation CR 1 Conditioned Stimulus CS Bell some aspect of the environment that we learn to respond to because it has been associated with an US food 2 Conditioned Response CR Salivating the response reliably evoked learned by the CS Characteristics of the Conditioned Reflex Conditioned connecting something new with the old US UR relationship Conditioned reflex a NEW stimulus response connection we created by associating the BELL with SALIVATION Characteristics of Unconditioned Reflex 1 Innate and unlearned 2 Permanent usually 3 All members of the species have it 4 Does not vary from individual to individual Characteristics of Conditioned Reflex 1 Not present at birth instead learned 2 Impermanent usually 3 NOT all members of the species have it 4 Varies from individual to individual CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Review so far 1 You start with two things that are innately connected with each other 2 You add a third thing for several trials 3 Eventually the third thing becomes associated with the scenario and now has the power to produce an old behavior 4 Remember CLASSICAL CONDITIONING 3 Things Necessary for CC Occur 1 An initially neutral stimulus CS bell 2 A stimulus that reliably elicits a response US 3 Contiguity nearness in TIME and SPACE of the food CS and US WHO CARES Why is CC important Everyday Classical Conditioning 1 Survival of a species 2 Pets 3 Advertising 4 Emotions 5 Taste aversions KEY COMPONENTS OF CLASSICAL CONDITIONING 1 Acquisition 2 Extinction Acquisition Extinction n o i t a v i l a s f o t n u o m a e s n o p s e R 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 bell food trials bell no food 1 Generalization 2 Discrimination OPERANT CONDITIONING A Different Learning Perspective What is it LAW OF EFFECT 1 Behavior varies It occurs in a random trial and error fashion 2 Variation in behavior pleasurable consequence MORE likely to occur in the future 3 Variation in behavior unpleasant consequence LESS likely to occur in the future Bottom line QUENCES 4 BEHAVIOR IS SENSITIVE TO CONSE OPERANT CONDITIONING Behavior Consequence Relationships Reinforcement a consequence that INCREASES the likelihood of a behavior 1 Positive reinforcement 2 Negative reinforcement Punishment a consequence that DECREASES the likelihood of a behavior 3 Positive Punishment 4 Negative Punishment HOW TO PRODUCE OPERANT LEARNING 3 STAGES IN LEARNING NEW BEHAVIORS 1 Random luck 2 SHAPING 1 Acquisition 2 Maintenance 3 Extinction REINFORCEMENT Types of Reinforcement 1 Primary Reinforcers 2 Secondary Conditioned Reinforcers Social Reinforcers PUNISHMENT Positive Punishment Negative punishment Why punish Problems with Punishment OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING 1 Indirect experiential learning 2 Modeling Bandura and the BoBo doll experiment
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