Exam 3 will not be cumulative You will be responsible for Study Guide Chapters 10 11 and 12 Lectures 9 10 and 11 Topics to focus on Corrections Prison vs Jail Stats and demographics Populations and overcrowding Private Prisons Prison classifications Prison subculture read book Probation and Parole Intermediate Sanctions Diversion Home Detention electronic monitoring IPS Types of intermediate sanctions Community based Corrections Halfway Houses book Prisoner Re Entry Serious Violent Offender Reentry Initiative 2005 Reentry Policy Council Relevant case law Corrections Prison vs Jail Long term vs Short Term Conditions Mandatory vs Discretionary release Know where Florida stands with this Technical violations Parole Revocation Recap Incarceration the bodily confinement of a person in a jail or prison Jails Short term multipurpose holding facilities that serve as the gateway into the criminal jus tice system Locally operated short term confinement facilities Originally built to hold suspects follow ing arrest and pending trial but has an expanded use in today s society State and local gov spend 10 billion every year to operate the nation s jails with 1 billion earmarked for expansion Earmarked only one out of the ten billion can be used to fix up old jails or build new ones Jails are known as the Shame of the CJ System Old poorly funded poorly staffed low priority in local budgets Serious overcrowding by the end of the 1980s Native American County Jails Short term incarceration facilities on Native American land under the sovereign control of the Native American tribe Municipal Jails City incarceration facilities separate from the county jail for holding de tainees and inmates sentenced for violation of city codes Prisons confinement facility for incarcerated adults The prison population in the US has increased 4x since 1980 We have the highest incar ceration rate in the world Great American Crime Decline 1991 2001 42 decrease in crime rate 70 increase in incarceration rates In 2013 1 5 million inmates were sentenced with 8 of them being women Prison demographics State Prisons 50 violent offenders Federal Prisons 52 drug law violations 68 of state prisoners do not have a high school diploma 53 of state prisoners are addicted to drugs 700 000 prisoners parents to 1 5 million children under 18 Almost 17 of African American men have served in prison This is two times as high as hispanics and 6 times as high as whites African American men in American today has a 32 3 chance to go to prison while white men have a 5 9 chance African American women have a 5 6 chance white white women have a 0 9 chance Federal Bureau of Prisons BOP The agency responsible for the administrative oversight of federal prisons and jails Administrative Maximum Prison The highest security level of prison operated by the U S Bu reau of Prisons Superman prisons are considered escape proof regardless of the resources of the inmate The Federal Bureau of Prisons has developed a capacity measurement of prisons called KISSS Key Indicator and Strategic Support System KISSS uses a number of measures to set standards as to maximum capacity Security Levels of Prisons Maximum Medium Minimum Maximum High fences thick walls secure cells and inmate living facilities at the center Death row one cell all day one shower a week highly supervised One large centrally located max prison in most states Resembles maximum prisoners can associate with one another can exercise shower Count a head count of individuals taken at set intervals up to 4 times a day inmates re Medium more freedom than max bathroom go outside port to predesignated area Ward like Housing dorm style housing Minimum less security lots of freedom Also dormitory style More access to programs most inmates have a job every day Guards are unarmed no gun tower lower fences Counts are less important here because it easy to tell if they are missing if they don t show up to their job Most behave because they don t want to ruin their privileges Congregate Work System The practice of moving inmates from sleeping cells to other areas of the prison for work meals and recreation Opposite of solitary confinement Private Prisons Privatization the trend to house inmates in privately administered prisons Private prisons Prisons that house local state or federal inmates for a fee More than 3 dozen states rely on private businesses because of no room and no money so Privatization began in 1980 There was slow start to catch on but since has grown rapidly they contract with a private company Growth rate 35 annually General consensus among researches are that private companies only offer modest eco nomic benefits than people thought Richardson vs McKnight inmates tried to argue that they were being violated by 8th amendment right because of overcrowding Correctional officers employed by a private firm are not immune to this law just because they are private Reasons to privatize Provide construction financing options Cost benefit considerations Less time to build facilities half the time Convenience of one entity for all compliance issues Mobilize rapidly Economic development opportunities Reduce share liability exposure Retain flexibility Reasons NOT to privatize Government Responsibility public safety gov t has legal political and moral obligation for this and it should just stick to gov t controlling criminals and incarceration Few private companies available private operators can quickly become a monopoly Inexperience with key correctional issues Inhibit proper performance of correctional duties Slow inefficient and risky start Contract negotiations are difficult Lawsuits are only enforcement remedy Prison Classification System External vs Internal External determines what type of prison or institution they go to Initial custody levels Based on type of offense perceived dangerousness and escape risk Internal determines their living arrangements and work within their institution In Florida it is called their bed assignment It is determined based on what eligibility they are fit to fit that program Prisoner Classification the reception and diagnosis of an inmate to decide the appropriate se curity level in which to place him or her and the services of placement Prison Consultants Private people who give convicted defendants advice and counsel on how best to present themselves during classification and how to behave in prison Initial Placement the assignment by the classification process as
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