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The House I live In CCJ 2020 EXAM1 STUDY GUIDE o US incarcerated more people than the rest of the world The US is less than 5 of total world population US is 25 of world incarceration population o 1973 2009 prison population grew 705 1 100 adults in prison black males 1 13 white males 1 23 white females 1 7 black females o 1980 500 000 people in jail today 1 5 million in jail o Stats 4 5 prisoners would have to be released to get back to 1970 80 of incarcerations are possession 79 day to keep an inmate in prison 20X more expensive than probation 2 7 million kids in US have a parent behind bars more likely to be behind bars o White and blacks use drugs equally Blacks are 10X more likely to be sent to jail for possession More blacks in correctional facilities than were enslaved in 1850 o Timeline 1995 US Sentencing Committee yes there is racial disparity 1997 Nothing done about it 2010 Obama acknowledges it o What happens when you leave jail No healthcare Can go to school no grants Unemployment o 1971 Nixon Public enemy number 1 drug abuse 2 3 of drug war budget was treatment and not enforcement next election he did more on enforcement Nixon s drug war budget towards treatment was 60 o Rudy Giuliani Old mayor of NY Nobody blames the criminal They are not given the same chances Thus it s a perpetual cycle o Rehabilitation Prisons Few have them 1st things to get cut prisoners get bored violent o Former LA police chief Darell Gates casual drug users oughta be taken out and shot started D A R E o Timeline 1960 coin term war on drugs 1914 federal legislation Harrison Act Restricted heroine and cocaine 1st federal attempt 1919 prohibition Alcohol is considered a drug 1933 repealed 1936 Reefer madness movie Marijuana awareness Mexican labor 1937 Congress passed Marijuana tax act Marijuana was illegal cuz Mexicans 1955 Boggs amendment 1st federal minimum sentence 1956 narcotics control act 1971 Nixon War on drugs 1972 commission Decriminalized pot for self use Nixon ignored it 1973 Rockefeller drug laws only in NY Minimum sentence is 15 life for nonviolent drug offenders 1977 Jimmy Carter Campaign to decriminalize pot altogether Senate committee decriminalized 1 once of pot for self didn t pass 1981 Reagans wife Just say no campaign Zero tolerance policy 1985 poll drugs 1 problem 2 6 agreed 1992 Clinton Treatment not punishment changed that plan in 2 months 1995 US Sentencing Commission wanted to change things but congress said no racial disparity in crack cocaine sentencing report yes you re right 100 g cocaine 1 g crack 1997 ignored it keep 100 1 o George W Bush Spent most for war on drugs Created more SWAT style enforcement 40 000 SWAT drug raids year o Obama o Race Made it 18 1 Opium Chinese Crack cocaine blacks Marijuana Mexicans Meth gay men Blacks use crack cocaine while whites use powder cocaine o Blacks Blacks leave south cuz of Jim Crow laws Go north basically new Jim Crow laws Lived in certain neighborhoods ghettos o Mandatory minimum sentencing Judge Bennett 1st one to do a 1 1 instead of 100 1 Gay men White people in trailer parks Life without parole for 3 oz meth Reagan Crack hardest o Meth o Chain of Destruction Identification Ostracism Confiscation Concentration Annihilation o Parole violations Biggest reason people get sent back to prison Reactivism rate highest in US o 13 of US is black 13 of drug users are black yet make up 44 of incarcerated for drugs using o 1st city with anti drug legislation 1875 San Francisco California Opium on Chinese yellow parole o Nixon Vs Reagan Nixon drugs 1 enemy Reagan drugs strongest incarceration effect What is crime What is Criminal Justice o Conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a state the federal government or a local jurisdiction for which there is no legally acceptable justification or excuse o Problems This definition does not take into account the complex nature of society Societies are dynamic in nature o Durkheim Crime is normal and necessary Criminology vs Criminal Justice o Criminology is concerned with explaining why individuals engage in criminal behavior o Criminal justice is concerned with explaining how the system works and its effects on behavior o BOTH AREN T MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE History of crime in America o 1920 1945 Crime increase prohibition birth of organized crime o 1945 1960s Relatively stable crime rates following WW2 o 1970s Traditional crimes increased murder rape assault o 1980s Significant increase in drug crime crack cocaine epidemic o 1992 1993 Violent crime peaked 1992 Rodney King Beating o 1993 2000s Violent and property crime steadily declined Events that triggered crime control o 1960s 70s civil rights movement o 1980s war on drugs Reagan o 1990s racial violence o 2000s sept 11 patriot act public safety racial profiling Criminal justice system o The goal of the CJ system is administration of justice o The CJ system involves all operating administrative and technical support agencies that perform any of these functions How is justice served o Justice the principle of fairness and moral rightness o Social Justice is an ideal that embraces all aspects of civilized life and that is linked to fundamental notions of fairness and to cultural beliefs about right and wrong Civil Justice is a component of social justice concerned with fairness in relationships Suing Criminal Justice refers to social justice that concerns o Violations of criminal law Problems with administration of justice o Disenfranchised groups not in power o Justice practitioners no matter what they do some group will be mad Criminal justice system o The Consensus Model Assumes all components of CJ system work together towards common goal Process is smooth Problems Over simplification Actors don t share goals System moves in different directions o The Conflict Model Suggests the interests in CJ agencies make actors within the system self serving Goals of individual agencies conflict with one another Problems Success Promotion Pay Increases and Accountability fragment the system as a whole Criminal Justice Nonsystem Criminal Justice Perspectives o Due Process o Crime Control Due Process o Emphasizes individual rights o Due process comes from 5th Amendment Grand Jury Double Jeopardy Self Incrimination and Due Process 6th Amendment Criminal Prosecutions jury trial right to confront and to counsel 14th Amendment All states must recognize due process Crime Control rights of U S citizens o Emphasizes efficient arrest and convictions o

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