OUTLINE Modules 36 37 38 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 1 Prenatal Development read in text 2 Newborns 3 Infancy 4 Childhood a Cognitive Development Piaget b Social Development Parenting Styles 5 Adolescent a Moral Development Kohlberg NEWBORNS Reflexes Rooting touch newborn s cheek with finger and she will turn and start sucking Blinking flash lights or wave your hand in newborn s eyes and he will blink Moro hold infant and drop slightly will reach with hands and legs Grasping put finger in newborn s hand and she will grab it Stepping hold newborn upright slightly off floor will make walking movements Preferences Human voices Faces face like images Mother s sound Mother s smell WHY 1 needs food 2 needs comfort Evolution NEWBORNS Which figure do you think babies prefer stare at longer They prefer the left figure because it resembles a face Cognitive development video Kids think magic is the answer to impossible events because parents build up fantastic Unlikely the children will come up with explanations on their own Accept in the realm of possibility don t have enough experience to know it is stories like Santa impossible Compare infants reactions to magical and non magical events o Babies will stare at impossible events o 2 weeks older the babies weren t surprised anymore because they made up an explanation in their head o Went back to being surprised when they were shown their explanation was wrong o infants generate explanations INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT PIAGET S Stage Theory of Cognitive Development Background What is a stage theory 1 Humans move through predictable stages 2 They move from stage to stage at certain ages 3 Order is unchanging Basic assumption Children are active thinkers who try to construct more accurate advanced understanding of the world How do children construct knowledge 1 Assimilation incorporating new information into some existing knowledge base o Schemas 2 Accommodation modifying existing knowledge structures and making new ones EX Child has cat schema 4 legs furry small animal Sees a squirrel assimilation calls it cat Sees lots of squirrels accommodation now schema for squirrels bushy tails etc different from cats We still do this as adults In class example You have many flavor schemas vanilla cherry mud Taste lifesaver assimilation this flavor is sweet Talcum powder Christmas tree pine pine chalky peppermint really nice soap powdered sugar People in Australia taste it all the time accommodation schema for MUSK flavor PIAGET S Stage Theory of Cognitive Development STAGE 1 Sensorimotor Stage When Birth to 2 years old What is it Stage where child learns relationship between actions and the real world cause and effect Things that happen during this stage Motor activities picking up food and dropping to the floor Object permanence covering a toy with a blanket toy is gone vs knowing the toy will stay there switches around 9 months Attachment Stranger anxiety PIAGET S Stage Theory of Cognitive Development STAGE 2 Preoperational When 2 years 7 years What is it Stage where child acquires the ability to form mental images of objects and events and can represent the world with words language develops Things that happen during this stage Symbolic play take one object and make it something else pretend play Egocentrism inability to understand something from another person s point of view Lack Conservatism just because the shape or size of something changes doesn t mean attributes change Think A has more A B Can t use logic yet or do mental operations PIAGET S Stage Theory of Cognitive Development Read in textbook STAGE 3 Concrete Operational When Age 7 12 STAGE 4 Formal Operational When Age 12 on INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD Social Development ATTACHMENT What is it A strong emotional bond infants develop with their caregivers Strange Situation Test the caregiver mom leaves the baby child alone with a stranger for several minutes and then returns to the room with the baby Styles of attachment 1 Secure child may cry when separated but then explores new place When mom returns they go to her parent knows when to support and when to let go 2 Avoidant insecure child doesn t cry when left acts like stranger is the parent avoids mom on return parent cold distant kid not highest priority 3 Ambivalent insecure child seeks mom when she leaves but when she returns fluctuates between seeking and rejecting mom parent inconsistent treatment of child Hot cold 4 Disorganized disoriented Child shows inconsistent and contradictory behaviors toward parent INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD Social Development Long term effects of attachment 1 Sociability 2 Relationship styles Securely attached Comfortable in relationships depend on partners seek closeness don t fear abandonment Avoidant Insecure Uncomfortable getting close to others trust issues won t depend on partners feel partner is too clingy Ambivalent insecure Fears others are reluctant to get close worries that partner doesn t love him her INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD Social Development Another factor in Attachment Contact comfort Harlow article Monkey babies raised with surrogate mothers 2 Surrogate mothers in cage cloth vs wire Gp 1 cloth mother with milk and wire mother w o milk Gp 2 wire mother with milk and cloth mother w o milk Who did the monkeys prefer Gp 1 The CLOTH mother Gp 2 The CLOTH mother INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD Social Development PARENTING STYLES 1 Authoritarian High demands low responsiveness Rule based parenting Kid must obey or be punished No explanations for punishment given military style parenting 2 Permissive low demands high responsiveness Warm parenting style No rules kids do as they please Never hold kids responsible for their actions 3 Authoritative high demands high responsiveness Sets rules and enforces them but Explains why rules exist Discusses choice and consequences with kids 4 Uninvolved low demands low responsiveness Shows little if any interest in children Emotionally detached neglectful Provides food shelter and clothing but that s about it Tiger parents extra work from an early age strict New Parenting Styles education o Authoritarian Hippie parents laid back o permissive Helicopter parents very protective o ADOLESCENCE In a country in Europe a poor man named Valjean could find no work nor could his sister and brother Without money he stole food and medicine that they needed He was captured and sentenced to prison for 6 years After 2 years he escaped from prison and went to live with his mother under
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