Restorative Justice Restoration attempts to make the victim whole again Seeks to address the damage done by making the victim and the community right Retributive Justice Asks 1 What rule was broken 2 Who broke it 3 What punishment is warranted Restorative Justice Asks 1 Who was harmed 2 What are the needs and responsibilities of those affected 3 How do all affected parties together address needs and repair harm Key characteristics of Restorative Justice Victim centered Offender focused Community driven Government as safeguard Current Justice System HOLDING OFFENDERS ACCOUNTABLE ACCOUNTABILITY MEANS TAKING YOUR PUNISHMENT Victim and Offender in passive roles Focus on deficits Debt is abstract Little if any victim restitution Restorative Justice System HOLDING OFFENDERS ACCOUNTABLE ACCOUNTABILITY MEANS TAKING RESPONSIBILITY AND TAKING ACTION TO REPAIR THE HARM TO VICTIM S Victim and Offender in active roles Focus on strengths Debt is concrete Victim restitution restoration is norm Key Elements of Restorative Justice Zehr Harm Focused Victim centered responses Offender accountability addresses the harm Key Elements of Restorative Justice Zehr Engagement Stakeholders involved in the process Victims Community Offender Dialogue exchange of information mutual agreement encouraged RJ Dialogue Processes Prototypes Victim Offender Mediation VOM Victim and offender Restorative Group Conferencing RGC Multi party Family Group Conferencing FGC Community Conferencing CC Circles Peacemaking circles Talking circles
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