Globalization The internationalization of trade services investment information and other forms of human social activity including crime Cyberterrorism Makes use of high technology in planning and carrying out of terrorists attacks Trafficking in persons TIP Exploitation of unwilling people through force or deception Huded Offense against God murder is not offense against God Tazir Offense against Society not God Narcoterrorism Link between drug traffickers and terrorists Short Answers Death Penalty 4 Different capacities of prisons What is it Racial Disparity in sentencing Identify 4 decisions points Decision of prosecutor to seek the death penalty Decision to retain the death notice Decision to advance to penalty trial Actual Sentencing Race of defendant does not matter Race of victim matters a lot Combination of defendant s race and victim s race matters the most Process 3 Findings What right of man to cut the throat of fellow creatures In no way will a self serving individual enter a contract in which the state will take their What do the Beccaria quotes mean life Life in prison without parole would be better because People fear slavery more than death The punishment of death persists in our society of barbarity It shows how it can bring us to a sense of barbarity Spam bulk email that advertises their product Criminalistics Biocrime Criminal offense using biological substances Cybercrime Crime that is hacked that is stored on a media device Piracy unauthorized duplication of data Technocrimes Malware Anything that affects a computer negatively Phishing Use of emails to obtain information Death Penalty Male and female prisons Jails and private prisons Probation and parole Probation a sentence of imprisonment that is suspended it is also a court ordered sanction Parole The supervised early release of inmates from correctional confinement Remote location monitoring Community correction Immediate sanctions the use of several community based correctional sanctions in lieu of other more traditional sanctions such as imprisonment and fines Largest growing population of jails Flogging is the most widely used punishment Prison staff Prison life Overcrowding Islamic Law Terrorism Globalism All court cases for death penalty Furman v Georgia Gregg v Georgia Coker v Georgia Edmund v Florida Tison v Arizona Kennedy v Louisiana Baze v Reese Fluid or Dynamic Interpretation Weems v U S Trop v Dulles Mentally Retarded Pentry v Lynawgh Atkins v Virginia Kant v Beccaria Prison capacity
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