OUTLINE Modules 49 50 51 PSYCHOTHERAPY 1 Psychoanalysis 2 Client Centered Therapy 3 Behavioral Therapy 4 Cognitive Therapy 5 Biomedical Therapy PSYCHOTHERAPY Psychoanalysis Goal help client gain an understanding of the unconscious unresolved conflicts repressed childhood experiences through therapist interpretation and client insight How when where Individual therapy in office 4 5 times week for several years Therapist is neutral only talks to interpret Techniques Dream Analysis Free association letting the client talk about whatever they want Resistance pause and change subjects when client comes upon uncomfortable information Insight interpretation of latent meaning Relationship with therapist Transference when client transfers feelings for other friends family etc to their therapist Fall in love with therapist see as parent PSYCHOTHERAPY Client centered therapy Goal Help the client solve their own problems by creating a warm calm environment and grating autonomy How Non directive collaborative approach Genuine Accepting Empathic Techniques words Reflection repeat back what they say in other Body language eye contact lean forward Unconditional Positive Regard therapist is always on the client s side Empathy therapist tries to show the client they can feel their pain PSYCHOTHERAPY Behavioral Therapy Goal Change the problem behavior no thoughts no reflection on past Techniques From Classical conditioning Exposure People are confronted gradually or suddenly to a feared stimulus but with no bad outcome positive event Eventually the anxiety will be extinguished Systematic desensitization 1 Create anxiety hierarchy 2 Teach relaxation techniques 3 Pair relaxation with anxious stimuli EX fear of snakes anxiety hierarchy 5 hold the snake in your hands 4 see free snake from up close 3 see a real snake in its cage 2 see and touch a fake snake 1 see a picture of a snake Aversion Therapy Pair behavior with a negative event to extinct it EX smoking cessation programs add nauseating drugs to cigarettes to get people to stop smoking EXAMPLE Systematic Desensitization Fear of Professor Rahhal s clicker 1 Anxiety Hierarchy A See picture of clicker B C D E 2 Learn Relaxation slow deep breathing 3 Pair breathing with hierarchy list PSYCHOTHERAPY Behavioral Therapy Techniques cont From Operant conditioning Token Economy Who used with schizophrenics adolescents How create a system where certain behaviors are rewarded with tokens money PSYCHOTHERAPY Cognitive Therapy Goal To change the way in which we think about things Change thinking from destructive constructive Automatic thoughts usually negative color our feelings Techniques First Identify irrational or maladaptive thoughts o Identify automatic thoughts o Identify black and white thinking catastrophizing if it isn t perfect it s terrible o Identify overgeneralizations Challenge the thoughts Come up with a rational interpretation of the situation Then Contemporary Therapies Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Combines elements from BOTH behavioral and cognitive therapy Show how distortions in thinking cognitions cause bad feelings which affects behaviors Thoughts behaviors feelings thoughts Psychodynamic therapy Explores the aspects of the self that are not fully known Uses therapy relationship to uncover these aspects o Similar to psychoanalysis but less intense o Shorter duration o Therapist more active o More focused on the present Systemic Therapies Client is not an individual but rather a member of a system o Interactions of the groups their patterns and dynamics o Family therapy couple s therapy Interpersonal Therapy Short term therapy that examines the context of current social relationships Focus o Conflicts with others o Social skills o Role transitions o Grief GENERAL POINTS ABOUT PSYCHOTHERAPY Which therapy works the best In general Therapeutic alliance the relationship between the client and the therapist 1 predictor of successful therapy Specific Problems Cognitive Behavioral eating disorders OCD Behavioral phobias anxiety disorders conduct depression problems Psychoanalytic depressive disorders anxiety disorders and interpersonal difficulties Interpersonal depression anxiety addictions eating disorders For best outcome Eclectic Approach combining the best aspects of different therapies
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