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Criminology Final Exam Quick Study Sheet Huded Crime serious violations of law against God Tazir minor violations against society individuals Norfolk Island Australian prison run by Maconochie Its a system of marks to earn credits for them to buy freedom Irish System created by Cofton and it was the integration of community Social Contract give up rights for exchange of protection by government giving them the authority to restore social order 3 reasons to support capital punishment retribution deterrence and incapacitation Retribution punishment on someone who did an act Kant says that everyone is animals and has no constraint on behavior says the only purpose of punishment is retribution Deterence preventing crime through fear threat of punishment Caesar Beccaria greatest good greatest number community corrections programs used to keep offenders in community under conditional supervision as an alternative to a prison sentence Parole early release from prison confinement and is used to help produce productive lives advantages of parole probation lower cost increased employement increased use of community service disadvantages of parole probation lack of punishment risk to communtity increased social costs intermediate sanctions use of more community based sanctions rather than traditional imprisonment and fines split sentencing spend time in confinment then probation shock probation like split sentencing but offender doesnt know that judge is doing it shock parole when parole boards or representatives order an inmates early release hoping the small amount of time taught the person a lesson shock incareration prison bootcamp used to mimic real prison life mixed sentencing serve jail time on weekends while under probation supervision in community intensive probation supervision involves frequent face to face contact and is the strickest form of probation delinquency juveniles actions that violate criminal law status offense and other juvenile misbehavior patri postesta father has control over children used to deal wih juveniles parens patriae government is ultimate guardian of child house of refuge housed young theives and runaways rather than prison it eventually got overpopulated and there was no more status offenses for juveniles its like underage drinking staying out pass curfew cook county Illinios first juvenile court what year was overcrowding 1940 rated capacity number a prison can hold according to experts operational capacity number based on management design capactiy number they where intended to hold mean dude resorts to violence hedonist builds life around limited pleasures opportunist takes advantage of education etc retreatist depression ones who go crazy legalist jailhouse lawyers radicalist political prisoner colonist doesnt wanna leave prison gangbangers in gangs in prison realist excepts punishment and makes most of prison the square female inmate with few experience with criminal lifestyle the cool female inmates who are career criminals the life female inmates who participate in all subculture crackkids female inmates who are young street kids who do not participate with subculture what are correctional officers concered with custody and control lex talionis whatever crime you committed you will be punished to that crime flogging earliest form of punishing its when you whip someone mutilation steal something and chop that hand off branding hot metal to skin to help identify who offenders are public humiliation way for community to punish offenders exile sending criminals away to different places workhouses used to teach hardwork comparative criminology linking criminals and potential terrorists in other countrys and around the world ethnocentrism saying ones society is better than another makes hard to get info from other countries islamic law system of duties and rituals founded on legal and moral obligation has no relationship to terrorism fatwas relgious leaders that sanction islamic law globilization international crime Pemnsylvaniaa system it was the development of prisons that was used as an alternative to corporal punishments solitary confinment rehab through penance auburn system open confinement houses alot of prisoners in one place labor and meditation reformatory movement intermediate sentence and possiblity of rehabilitation focuses on reforming inmates industrial era prisoners made good to sell in open market process of lethal injection unconscious paralyze stop heart COURT CASES Furman v Georgia stopped capital punishment and cleared anyone on death row argued that the process must be fixed Gregg v Georgia fixed death penalty process to see if it would work and came up with 3 provisions 2 part trial formal consideration for aggrivating and mitigating circumstances and automatic appeal coker v georgia cant be put to death for raping someone edmund v florida cant be put to death for the intention of ending someones life tison v arizona upheld death penalty because they had no respect for human life kennedy v lousiana death is unconstitutional unless the crime involves death blaze v reese challenges lethal injection but court says there must be pain it puts an end to all challenges of lethal injection francis v resweber said electrocution was not cruel and unusual 8th amendment first failed execution by electric chair wilkerson v utah challeneged that firesquad was cruel and unusual but court ruled it wasn t penry v lynaugh must have IQ of 50 to be retarted says its not right to send retard to death but in this case there was a faulty jury atkins v virginia ruling made here stating that no mentally retarded individual can be sentenced to death roper v simmons if you where under the age of 18 at time of offense you could not be executed ford v wainright no matter when or if you go insane you cannot be executed william kemmler in re kemmler went to court to not be killed by shock it introduces cruel and unusual punishments ESSAY What right of men to cut the throats of fellow creatures Social contract giving up rights for exchange of protection by government giving authority to restore social order What rationally thinking human being would give up liberty rights to kill us It is not the intenseness of the pain that has the greatest effect on the mind than a man deprived of his liberty we fear perpetual slavery more than death greatest effect of deterence life in prison with no parole The punishment of death is pernicious to society from the example

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FSU CCJ 2020 - Criminology Final Exam

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