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OUTLINE Modules 26 27 28 INTELLIGENCE 1 What is intelligence One characteristic Several characteristic 2 Can intelligence be measured How 3 How do we construct an intelligence test Standardization Reliability Validity 4 What are the extremes of intelligence Mental retardation Gifted genius 5 Is intelligence genetic or environmentally driven 6 Are there group differences in intelligence bias Race WHAT IS INTELLIGENCE Formal Definition An individual s ability to Understand complex ideas to adapt effectively to the environment to learn from experience to engage in various forms of reasoning to overcome obstacles by careful thought Practical Definition Intelligence is whatever intelligence tests measure usually school smarts Is Intelligence a single characteristic or several components Single characteristic view G Factor general factor mental abilities Points A primary intelligence factor that underlies all specific Found people who score high on one sub test of intelligence typically score high on all subtests Performance on all these tasks math verbal depends on this primary factor Is Intelligence a single characteristic or several components Several componentss 1 Gardner s theory of multiple intelligence People do not have one general intelligence but rather multiple intelligences Points Each is independent of others We need to assess understand all types of intelligence to get the big picture EX savant syndrome someone who s very good at a specific skill but not everything else Olympic athletes very high bodily intelligence Types of intelligence what career Linguistic poet Logic Math scientist Musical singer Bodily Athlete Spatial architect Interpersonal business Intrapersonal therapist Naturalist farmer Is Intelligence a single characteristic or several components Several Components 2 Sternberg s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence Intelligence falls into 3 classes a Analytical intelligence ability to think critically analytically EX good students professors scientists b Creative intelligence insight ability to form new ideas EX inventors musicians c Practical intelligence street smarts solving everyday life problems EX business owners con artists Is Intelligence a single characteristic or several components Several components 3 Emotional intelligence vs Academic Intelligence Def A cluster of traits relating to the emotional side of life Our abilities to perceive understand and express emotions 1 Must know one s own emotions and how to manage Four components them 2 Must recognize emotions in others and respond 3 Must be able to handle relationships well 4 Must be able to motivate oneself optimistically MEASURING INTELLIGENCE History IQ Intelligence quotient Alfred Binet first person to measure intelligence Chronological age actual age Mental age average level of performance on an intelligence test for someone of a particular age IQ Mental age Chronological age X 100 Average score 100 EX 9 year old performing as a 9 year old 9 9 x 100 100 11 year old performing as a 9 year old 9 11 x 100 81 7 year old performing as a 9 year old 7 9 x 100 128 Problems 40 year old performing as a 20 year old 20 40 x 100 50 IQ Tests were mostly verbal MEASURING INTELLIGENCE Modern Measures 2 basic types Aptitude tests Used to predict future performance ability to learn WAIS WISC Achievement tests Used to measure what you have already learned Examples 1 Wechsler tests of intelligence Wechsler Adult Intelligence Score WAIS Wechsler Intelligence Score for Children WISC 2 General components measured by lots of subtests Verbal component Performance non verbal component Points You get two component scores and one overall score Differences between component scores can illuminate learning disabilities MEASURING INTELLIGENCE Examples cont 2 Millers Analogies Test Analogies measure ability to perceive relationships Potatoes are to peanuts as apples are to carrots lilies peaches tomatoes or cucumbers correct peaches Celsius is to 0 as Fahrenheit is to 100 0 32 212 112 correct 32 CREATIVITY AND INTELLIGENCE Famous people high in creativity have produced something NEW 5 Components of creativity 1 Expertise 2 Imaginative thinking skills 3 Venturesome personality 4 Intrinsic motivation 5 A creative environment CONSTRUCTING INTELLIGENCE TESTS For a test to be valid it must meet 3 crucial requirements 1 Standardization o Normal Curve 2 Reliability 3 Validity o Content validity o Predictive validity THE EXTREMES OF INTELLIGENCE Mental retardation Low extreme intellectual functioning that is considerably below average AND Difficulty in meeting demands of everyday life 4 Categories of Mental Retardation Mild IQ 55 69 Moderate 40 54 Severe 25 39 Profound 25 THE EXTREMES OF INTELLIGENCE Intellectually gifted High extreme o Person whose intelligence is far above average 130 or higher Notes Are you gifted MENSA www Mensa org indes htm o Group of people scoring in the top 2 of an int test WHERE DOES INTELLIGENCE COME FROM NATURE VS NURTURE Nature Heredity Several lines of research support the view that genes play an important role in human intelligence o o o o Nurture Environment Genes are NOT the entire picture Much research suggests that environmental variables are impt Too Flynn effect Environmental Enrichment Deprivation WHERE DOES INTELLIGENCE COME FROM NATURE VS NURTURE Conclusions 1 Both Genes and Environment contribute to intelligence 2 Genes are likely to account for more BUT 3 Does not mean that intelligence can not be changed GROUP DIFFERENCES IN INTELLIGENCE BIAS IN IQ TESTING Race Some facts 1 There are sizable differences in average IQ scores of various ethnic groups in the USA and elsewhere 2 Most psychologists believe that these group differences are due to environment not genetics Evidence for environmental factors causing race differences in IQ 1 Intelligence tests themselves might be biased against test takers of minority groups 2 Genetic differences within a race are larger than genetic differences between two races 3 Flynn Effect 4 Black and white infants IQs 5 Stereotype threat research 6 Pygmalion effect

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