Psych 100 TA Notes 1st class 09 09 2015 Course Policies Course email check Moodle Graduate TAs Margaret Ugolini mugolini umass edu Alice Coyne acoyne umass edu Undergraduate TAs Office Hours will be in Middlesex 315 and we will also post them online Please come up and ask us if you need to set up office hours or need something from us Office Hours Policies o Use them show up be on time be prepared Attendance YOU RE EXPECTED TO COME TO CLASS IF YOU DON T COME EH THAT S KIND OF BAD BUT EH What Will You Have to Do READ THE SYLLABUS PLEASE Connect Plus LearnSmart Achieve modules 150 pts 70 or more correct the full 10 pts due the night before each class schedule is on Moodle lowest two modules will be dropped in the final calculations LATE ASSIGNMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES ARE NOT AN EXCUSE Spontaneous Writing Assignments SWA 50 pts In class 5 10 mins tops About the class and chapter content so please pay attention Exams 300 pts 4 unit exams multiple choice NO FINAL 4th exam is technically the final lowest exam grade is dropped during the final calculations Extra Credit SONA participation Link on the syllabus Prescreen process is due Sept 29 2 credits Earn up to 20 pts Extra Credit Alternative Paper 6 8 page APA style paper topic needs to be approved by Nov 9th and the paper needs to be turned by Dec 11th Introduction to Psychology 09 09 2015 Introduction to Psychology Psychology the scientific study of behavior and mental processes Myth Busting 1 Rorsach ink tests are not valid experiments in order to devise someone s personality a recent study found that 1 out of 6 were diagnosed with schizophrenia even though they didn t have it 2 Learning styles are also not scientifically valid and not used by most modern psychology 3 Left brain vs right brain learning is a myth because all parts of the brain are involved in even the most simple of processes small grain of truth because of the left handed vs right handed due to ambidextrous because both sides of brain are constantly communicating 4 10 of brain usage we use almost 100 of our brains 5 Mozart effect listening improves IQ tests listening to something you enjoy makes you do better on an IQ test just because you like it 6 Preferences in a romantic partner are culturally specific women prefer older men and men who are emotional available and men prefer younger women and physically attractiveness 7 some sportsmen go through hot handedness but your brain is actually analyzing the pattern and doing it however this is completely random 8 Milgram s experiment the participants were told that the shocks were not fatal and would not cause any lasting damage 9 Speech patterns and body language are not good indicators about a person and whether or not you can trust them unless you re watching public appeals for a missing relative What Psychology is All About 09 09 2015 Psychology the scientific study of behavior and mental processes Observation of phenomenon in our environment scientific processes o Behaviors are observable phenomenon not limited to just humans animals too o Mental processes are internal Subfields of Psychology Neuroscience or biopsychology biological foundations of behavior Brain s reaction to fear producing stimuli Cognitive higher mental processes What factors help people remember new information Developmental change over time How personality becomes altered over adulthood Personality individual differences Why some people tend to worry over small things Health psychology how psychological factors affect health The relationship between lifestyle habits and heart disease Clinical psychology psychological treatments and disorders The contribution of childhood stress to depression in adulthood Industrial Organizational human resources and workplace assessment Comparing satisfaction of employees and managers Social Psychology effects of groups on behavior Whether people comply with the instructions of an authority figure Experimental learning Patterns of reward that result in fastest increases in responding What Can I learn from Psychology 1 Predict and understand the behavior of individuals and groups 2 understand how to use and interpret data 3 evaluate the legitimacy of claims about behavior 4 know how memory and learning function 5 have insight into problematic behaviors 6 demonstrate the capacity to adapt to change 7 understand and operate effectively throughout the channels of an organization better understand how to act in a group situation Where Do Psychologists Work the largest single group work at colleges and universities either teacher or doing research or both second is independent practice other human services government clinics schools industry History What are psychology s major historical landmarks It came from philosophy medicine physiology and neurology Hippocrates proposed temperament sanguine cheerful melancholic sad etc 1879 first laboratory devoted to the experimental study of psychological phenomena created in Leipzig Germany by Wilhelm Wundt and brought to the US by Edward Titchner o Introspection record your thoughts maps out the thought process and used to understand structure of the mind structuralism Mainly perceptual experiences described with objective First step to measuring psychological phenomena in an objective statements way William James created the stream of consciousness and functionalism activities of the mind thinking feeling learning remembering serve to help us survive Heavily influenced by Darwin and natural selection Sigmund Freud created the field of psychoanalysis the symptoms without a physiological medical cause must be due to a psychological cause The things that happened to you as a child affect you as an adult Gestalt psychology started in the 1920s the whole is greater than the sum of the its parts our perception is guided by more than the individual components of each stimulus Ivan Pavlov behaviorist that created classical conditioning and operant conditioning John B Watson behaviorist Behaviorism focuses primarily on objective behavior behavior is learned as a reaction to our environment environment drives behavior How Do Psychologists View the World Today Perspectives Today Neuroscience views behavior from the perspective of biological functioning Behavioral regards observable actions as virtually the only acceptable knowledge on which to base the understanding of behavior Cognitive attempts to understand the ways that people think about their experiences
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