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Module 14 16 States of Consciousness 03 18 2012 Module 14 Sleep and Dreams The Stages of Sleep Stage 1 sleep characterized by relatively rapid low amplitude brain waves stage of transition between wakefulness and sleep and lasts only a few minutes images sometimes appear as if we were viewing still photos Stage 2 sleep makes up about half of the total sleep of those in their early 20s characterized by a slower more regular wave pattern o Interruptions of spiky waves called sleep spindles Stage 3 sleep brain waves become slower with higher peaks and lower valleys in the wave pattern Stage 4 sleep the pattern is even slower and more regular and people are least responsive to outside stimulation Sleep 4 is most likely to occur during the early part of the night the first half of the night sleep is dominated by stages 3 and 4 the second half is characterized by stages 1 and 2 REM Sleep The Paradox of Sleep Rapid eye movement REM sleep occupies a little more than 20 of adults total sleeping time where dreams occur allow us to rethink restore information and emotional experiences that we ve had during the day Why do we sleep and how much sleep is necessary Sleep permitted ancestors to conserve energy at night a time when food was relatively hard to come by 2nd explanation is that sleep restores and replenishes our brains and bodies gives neurons a chance to repair themselves permits receptor cells to get some necessary rest and to increase their sensitivity during periods of wakefulness sleep may be essential in assisting the physical growth and brain development in children as people age they need less and less sleep The Function and Meaning of Dreaming Psychoanalytic explanations of dreams o Unconscious wish fulfillment theory Freud proposed that dreams represent unconscious wishes that dreamers desire to see fulfilled o Latent content of dreams actual wishes are disguised o Manifest contest the true subject and meaning of a dream may have little to do with the apparent story line o Dreams may reflect unconscious wishes and instinctual needs Evolutionary explanations of dreams o Dreams for survival theory dreams permit us to reconsider and reprocess during sleep information that is critical for our daily survival o Permitted the processing of information 24 hours a day o Help us with learning Neuroscience explanation of dreams o Activation synthesis theory random electrical energy that the brain produces during REM sleep possibly as a result of changes in the production of particular neurotransmitters dreams are initiated in the pons which sends random signals to the cortex and the cortex is involved in particular waking behaviors are related to the content of dreams Sleep Disturbances Slumbering Problems Insomnia difficulty sleeping Circadian Rhythms Life Cycles Circadian rhythms biological processes that occur regularly on approximately a 24 hour cycle We get drowsy in mid afternoon Suprachiasmatic nucleus controls circadian rhythms Seasonal affective disorder a form of severe depression in which feelings of despair and hopelessness increase during the winter and lift during the rest of the year Daydreams Dreams Without Sleep Daydreams fantasies that people construct while awake under people s control Module 15 Hypnosis and Meditation Hypnosis trancelike state of heightened susceptibility to the suggestions of others Some psychologists believe that hypnosis represents a state of consciousness that differs significantly from other states Divided consciousness hypnosis brings about a dissociation of consciousness into 2 simultaneous components in one stream of consciousness hypnotized people are following the commands of the hypnotist and on another level of consciousness are acting as hidden observers aware of what is happening to them Hypnosis can be used to solve practical human problems controlling pain reducing smoking treating psychological disorders etc Meditation Regulating Our Own State of Consciousness Meditation learned technique for refocusing attention that brings about an altered state of consciousness Mantra a sound word or syllable that is repeated over and over Concentrate on an initial stimulus so thoroughly that the meditator becomes unaware of any outside stimulation and reaches a different state of consciousness Means of altering consciousness that is practiced in many different again cultures Module 16 Drug Use The Highs and Lows of Consciousness Psychoactive drugs influence a person s emotions perceptions and behavior Addictive drugs produce a physiological and psychological dependence in the user and withdrawal from them leads to a craving for the drug that in some cases may be nearly irresistible Stimulants Drug Highs Stimulants drugs whose effect on the central nervous system causes a rise in heart rate blood pressure and muscular tension o Caffeine found in coffee increase in attentiveness and decrease in reaction time improvement in mood too much can result in nervousness and insomnia Depressants Drug Lows o Nicotine found in cigarettes soothing effect activates neural mechanisms similar to those activated by cocaine highly addictive Amphetamines stimulate the CNS bring a sense of energy alertness talkativeness heightened confidence and a mood high increase concentration and reduce fatigue cause a loss of appetite increased anxiety and irritability after a long time they can cause a general feeling of suspiciousness and loss of interest in sex Methamphetamine white crystalline drug highly addictive and produces a strong lingering high long term use leads to brain damage Cocaine inhaled smoked or injected produces feelings of profound psychological well being increased confidence and alertness become obsessed with taking the drug Depressants impede the nervous system by causing neurons to fire more slowly small doses result in temporary feelings of euphoria and joy Alcohol most common depressant o Binge drinking 5 or more for men 4 or more for women o Release tension and stress feelings of happiness and loss of inhibitions o May feel emotionally and physically unstable show poor judgment and act aggressively memory is impaired brain processing is diminished and speech becomes slurred may pas out or die of alcohol poisoning o Alcoholics people with alcohol abuse problems rely on alcohol and continue to drink even though it causes serious difficulties Barbiturates Nembutal seconal and Phenobarbital to induce sleep or reduce stress produce a sense of

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