OUTLINE 40 41 42 PERSONALITY 1 What is personality 2 Theories of personality A Psychoanalytic theory B Trait Perspective The Big Five Traits C Other Perspectives Social Cognitive Biological Humanistic See text 3 Personality Testing Projective tests o Rorschach o TAT Personality Inventories o MMPI PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY Who Freud What is it Attributes our thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts We get these conflicts through dream interpretation see dreams and free association 4 topics central to psychoanalytic theory 1 Levels of consciousness 2 Structure of personality 3 Psycho sexual stages of development 4 Anxiety and the defense mechanism Psychoanalytic Theory LEVELS of CONSCIOUSNESS Mind Iceberg Levels of Consciousness Conscious Current thoughts at a given moment Preconscious Below conscious realm Contains memories not in consciousness but can be brought into consciousness Unconscious unaware Below the preconscious bulk of the human mind Thoughts desires impulses for which we are Might have once been conscious but now repressed EX the urge to sleep with your mother STRUCTURE OF PERSONALITY Personality consists of 3 parts ID unconscious All of our primitive thoughts urges needs desires Present at birth Pleasure principle demands immediate gratification regardless of cost EGO conscious Develops in response to ID Holds ID in check until conditions are right for gratification Reality principle takes external environment into account to direct behavior maximize pleasure Resolves conflict of ID and SUPEREGO SUPEREGO pre conscious conscious Acquired from parents teachers laws Also seeks to control the ID but focus is on morality Will only gratify impulses if morally correct not just safe Conscience expects good at all times Psychoanalytic Theory PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT Main points 1 Early childhood has impact on unconscious and stays around forever 2 5 stages of psychosexual development Oral Anal Phallic Latent Genital 3 Conflict occurs at each stage 4 Conflict resolution If conflict resolved great If conflict not resolved fixation ORAL STAGE Age 0 1 Physical Focus mouth lips tongue Psychological theme dependency Symptoms of conflict way too independent or dependent Symptoms of fixation oral gratification overeating smoking chewing on things Psychoanalytic Theory PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT ANAL STAGE Age 1 3 Physical Focus anus bladder Psychological theme control Symptoms of conflict fixation o Expulsive messy slob o Retentive controlling neat freak PHALLIC STAGE Age 3 6 Physical Focus penis genitals Psychological theme gender identification Fixations conflicts promiscuous asexual trying to replace mom or dad Oedipus Conflict boys Love mom want to kill dad Can t kill dad So identify and be like dad Electra Conflict girls Love dad want to kill mom Can t kill mom Identify and be like mom Psychoanalytic Theory PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT LATENT STAGE Age 6 puberty Freud gives us a break Learning occurs Spend time with the same sex GENITAL STAGE puberty on Physical focus genitals Psychological theme life enhancement adult sexuality Psychoanalytic Theory DEFENSE MECHANSIMS ANXIETY General points 1 When Id and Superego war anxiety occurs 2 Ego wants to reduce anxiety a Puts up defense mechanisms to protect us 3 Defense mechanisms keep anxiety into unconsciousness 4 Distorts reality Parapraxis when Ego can t control this conflict and the Id leaks into the conscious Forgetting Humor Slips of the tongue Freudian slips Types of Defense Mechanisms Regression Threatening situation act in a way appropriate to earlier age EX college student throwing temper tantrum Repression Forgetting pushing from conscious to unconscious EX not remembering childhood abuse Rationalization Come up with acceptiable reason for thoughts with unacceptable motives EX I have to eat the whole ice cream tub because it ll melt Displacement Redirect emotional response from dangerous source to safe source EX man mad at boss yells at kids TRAIT PERSPECTIVE People have stable dimensions of personality and differ from other people in consistent ways Measures the key dimensions of personality and the ways that people differ Relates differences of traits differences in behavior Different from Psychoanalytic CONSCIOUS not unconscious DESCRIBING behavior not explaining How many traits are there THE BIG FIVE you fall somewhere on each dimension 1 Extraversion High energetic sociable talkative Low sober quiet reserved 2 Agreeableness High good natured cooperative trusting helpful Low irritable suspicious uncooperative 3 Neuroticism stability High anxious nervous hypo chondriacal Low calm poised not hypochondriacal 4 Openness to experience High imaginative witty broad interests Low down to earth simple narrow interests 5 Conscientiousness High well organized careful responsible disciplined Low disorganized careless impulsive and undependable Other perspectivesof personality READ Learning social cognitive Biological evolutionary Humanistic PERSONALITY TESTING Psychoanalytic Perspective Projective tests What are they interpretations Present person with ambiguous stimuli multiple Person indicates what they see make up a story etc Different people see different things tell different stories Answers reflect personality Projective they project their inner conflicts unconscious into their answers 1 Rorschach Inkblot Test Look at inkblot tell me what you see Answers reflect one s inner feelings and conflicts o Reflections in water self issues o Mean animals monsters aggression anger o Movement psychotic Low reliability and validity BUT highly informative in my practice 2 TAT Thematic apperception test Series of cards each with an ambiguous picture Person should tell a story about the picture Answers reflect what person is thinking about Some standardization but very useful with kids Word association first word that comes to mind Other Projective tests o Ex Pickle Mother Draw a person draw a family Sentence completion o EX My father My biggest wish is PERSONALITY TESTING Trait Perspective Self Report Personality inventories What are they Questionnaires where people respond to lots of items which tap various personality traits Ask someone about a small sample of their behavior and infer various personality traits Objective can be scored without subjectivity 1 IPIP NEO I worry about things a lot I make friends easily Have a vivid imagination Trust others I complete tasks Get angry easily Love large
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