1 Blood Study Guide BSC 2086 1 Describe the composition of whole blood Plasma liquid portion of the blood transports nutrients waste osmolarity pH immune items and steroid hormones Makes up 46 53 of blood consisting of plasma proteins 7 other solutes 1 and water 92 37 54 of the blood is formed elements consisting of platelets 1 for clotting white blood cells 1 to fight infection and red blood cells 99 9 to transport oxygen and some CO2 2 What is fractionation The process of separating whole blood for clinical analysis into plasma and formed elements What is the hematocrit Number of red blood cells in the body Normal for men is 42 52 and for women is 37 47 Low hematocrit means anemia which can be from malnutrition pregnancy leukemia bone cancer where RBC s are created A high hematocrit can be from high elevations dehydration decreases the volume of plasma because it is a water based fluid What types of illnesses or conditions can affect the hematocrit 3 How do the concentrations of small solutes and proteins in the plasma compare to their concentrations in interstitial fluid Water ions and small solutes can move freely between plasma and interstitial fluid across capillary walls The solutes include nutrients glucose amino acid lipids and vitamins wastes urea bilrubin and creatine and gases oxygen and CO2 You want this because this is how you receive oxygen and nutrients Proteins can t cross into the in terstitial fluid 4 What ions are found in relatively high concentrations in the blood The solutes in plasma are K Na Ca2 CO2 O2 Cl H HCO3 Ca2 K H and HCO3 are in low amount Cl Na are in high amount 5 List the transport and homeostatic functions of blood Blood transports respiratory gases hor mones and nutrients waste immune system components It is used for homeostasis in the pro cesses of thermoregulation osmolarity ionic composition pH and restriction of fluid loss blood clotting 6 Briefly explain 1 sentence the role of proteins a Albumins transport substances such as fatty acids thyroid hormones and steroid hormones They maintain osmotic pressure and buffer change in pH Most are made in the liver b Globulins consist of antibodies Transport globulins are hormone binding proteins metallopro teins lipoproteins and steriod binding proteins They are for defense antibodies are part of the immune system c Fibrinogen are molecules tha form clots and produce lone insoluble strands of fibrin Used for scab formation 7 RBCs have a unique shape Describe the shape and discuss 3 ways that this shape contributes to the function of the cell 1 ability to stack called Rouleau enables them to move through capil 2 laries 2 increases surface area to volume which increases the rate of diffusion allowing O2 to transport fast 3 Cells are very flexible ability to move through tiny capillaries 8 RBCs lack mitochondria and the nucleus what impact does this have on the cells Mitochon dria uses oxygen and there major role of RBC is to just transport oxygen It would be like a drug dealer using his drugs Instead they use gycolosis or anaerobic respiration to make ATP They also don t have a nucleus meaning they only live for 120 days They cant make new proteins or repair themselves 9 Describe the basic function of spectrin Allows cells to be flexible and gives them there shape 10 Describe the 2 methods by which carbon dioxide can be transported in the blood By hemo globin and by carbonic anhydrase CO2 H2O H2CO3 carbonic acid H HCO3 11 Describe the protein structure of hemoglobin and name the element is essential for its role in transporting oxygen Hemoglobin transports O2 and CO2 It is quaternary meaning it has 4 protein chains 2 alpha 2 Beta 4 heme group and at the very center is the iron atom FE O2 molecules bind to FE atom meaning 4 O2 molecules Hemoglobin bounded to oxygen is called oxyhemoglobin Oxygen binding is reversible meaning it can bind and unbind 12 When hemoglobin is bound to O2 it is termed Oxyhemoglobin when it dissociates from O2 it is called deoxyhemoglobin 13 What is the relationship between the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin and the amount of oxygen in the surrounding tissues Hemoglobin picks up oxygen and drops off O2 at the tissue 14 How does carbon monoxide exert its poisonous effect on the body Carbon monoxide binds to FE atom in hemoglobin molecule which is the same place oxygen binds to It has a 200X greater affinity than oxygen so it will bind before oxygen Binds irreversibly meaning once it is on the molecule it kills the protein This causes blood O2 levels to go down leading to shortness of breath dizziness and possibly passing out 15 What are hematopoietic stem cells 16 Where are blood cells synthesized 17 Describe how erythrocyte production is homeostatically controlled by the hormone erythropoietin i e Fig 17 6 the negative feedback loop regulating RBC formation 3 hypoxia is the stimulus 1 Stimulus Hypoxia inadequate blood oxygen levels due to decreased RBC count hematocrit decreased amount of hemoglobin and decreased availability of O2 2 the kidney releases erythropoietin 3 Erythropoietin stimulates bone marrow 4 En hanced erythropoiesis increases RBC count 5 O2 carrying ability of blood increases Body is constantly producing and replacing RBC s Higher altitude higher hematocrit higher RBC Blood oxygen is the regulated level that must remain constant 18 Anemia is a decrease in the oxygen carrying capacity of blood You should know the causes of the different types of anemia discussed in class a iron deficient anemia Not enough iron to carry oxygen b Dietary anemia lack of B12 and folic acid in the diet required for cell division and results in large immature and dysfunctional red blood cells megaloblasts in the bone marrow c Pernicious anemia Ab against instrinsic factor in the stomach necessary for the absorption of B12 in the small intestines prevents B12 absorption by intestinal cells Only related to autoimmune can t absorb B12 d Renal anemia lack of EPO e Aplastic anemia loss of bone marrow The site of RBC formation is gone f Sickle cell anemia When RBC take on a strange shape due to genetic abnormality They espe cially do this under low oxygen situation This enables them to get blocked in the capillary It is due to a problem in the hemoglobin gene and there is no cure Good blood needs iron folic acid and vitamin B12 Clicker Questions for Blood 1 Plasma is closest in composition to a urine b interstitial fluid 4 c isotonic saline solution d sterile water 2 Major
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