Exam 3 Study Guide CCJ2020 The Death Penalty financial obligations 10x more expensive to execute than imprison offenders for life According to Maryland an average death penalty case results in a death sentence cost of approximately 3 million o Cost of each execution in FL is 24 million Jails Regional jails Demographics o cities coming together and putting money for one big jail o done in VA o 3 counties come together to make regional jail and VA with refund them to build the jail o 58 minorities in nations jails o 93 of state prison inmates are males o typical inmate unmarried African American male between age 25 34 with some high school education Prison Confinement facility for incarcerated adults o State and federal Populations and overcrowding Prison Demographics o State prisons have 50 violent offenders o Federal prison shave 52 drug law violations o 68 of state prisoners have no high school diploma o 53 of state prisoners are addicted to drugs o 700 000 prisoners are parents to 1 5 millions children under age 18 o Mental Health Issues o MAJOR racial disparities 1 in 23 chances of serving time in jail for white males 1 in 6 chance to go to jail if Hispanic 1 in 3 chance to go to jail if African American Private Prisons o Prison operated by private company o Allow local state and federal jails to house prisoners in private facilities and pay per prisoner rather than build new prisons to accommodate increasing demand for bed space Medium Security Prisons o More freedom than maximum security with less supervision and are allowed to roam yard o Counts head counts up to 4x a day to count every prisoner o Ward like housing dorm style PREA Act o Prison Rape Elimination Act o Legislation requires the BJS to develop new national data collections on the incidence and prevalence of sexual violence in correctional facilities o Signed by George W Bush in 2003 o Half people in jail have been sexually victimized Prisonization o Socialization of new inmates into prison life o Subculture of inmates in which rules of conduct are distinctly different from official rules of the institution and from society in general o Failure to adapt to prison code is dangerous and can lead to dangerous ostracism by both inmates and administrators External and Internal classification o External Initial custody levels Based on types of offense perceived dangerousness and escape risk Tells where which security level prison they will be in Ex maximum medium minimum o Internal Determine appropriate housing plan and program Bed assignment Where in the prison the inmate will be located o Agree to abide by court mandated conditions of probation General apply to all probations in a given jurisdiction Ex obey all laws of jurisdiction find employment remaining in the jurisdiction of the court possess no fire arms etc Specific mandated by a judge who feels the probationer is in need of particular guidance or control Giving up drivers license warrantless search by PO comply with drug test more of general but under specific complete specified number of hours of community service crime Can tailor conditions to the probationers specific Probation and Parole Conditions Ex if there is a specific person you get caught with doing crimes judge may mandate you stay away from that person Technical Violations Intermediate Sanctions Diversion o Defendant is offered an alternative to a criminal trial possible conviction and prison sentence such as drug court boot camp or treatment program Day reporting centers o Provide release from prison is closely supervised by the states department of corrections o Inmates live at home rather than being imprisoned or in halfway house o Inmates report to supervisory centers on daily basis Electronic Monitoring o Sentenced imposed by the court which offenders are legally ordered to remain confined in their own residences o Uses signaling technology to achieve greater degree of certainty in compliance o Rapidly growing state and federal government Federal court system has 3 levels Curfew Home detention Home incarceration o Cost effective purpose Fraction of the cost of using probation officers for this Intensive Probation Parole Supervision o Strict form of probation and parole in U S o Achieve control in a community setting over offenders who would otherwise go to prison o Typical conditions Minimum of 5 face to face contacts per week Mandatory curfew Required employment Routine and unannounced alcohol and drug testing Automatic notification of arrest to officer 132 hours of community service o Lower caseloads for officers Split sentencing Shock Probation o After sentencing and brief period of imprisonment usually 30 days o Usually for first time nonviolent offenders o Aims to get the attention of youthful offenders who have become accustomed perhaps as juvenile offenders to warnings and probation rather than prison time o Brief period of incarceration and probation o Offender is transferred to custody of states corrections rather than local jail o Must apply for parole o Major difference between split shock is split sentencing is controlled by judge whereas shock offender fate is in hands of department of corrections or parole board Probation Revocation court order taking away a convicted of offenders probationary status and usually withdrawing the conditional freedom in response to violation of the conditions of the probation Mandatory vs Discretionary release Release determined by state parole boards Discretionary release Release determined by statute of sentencing guideline mandatory o has become the most common method of release Community based corrections Half way houses o Transition programs that allow inmates to move from prison to the community in steps o Provide gradual transition for the offender from an environment that maintains total control to one that permits partial control before the offender is released into the community Prisoner re entry Serious Violent offender Reentry initiative Services provided employment assistance education and skills training Reduce recidivism by providing tailored supervision and services to improve the odds of a successful transition to the community substance abuse counseling and help with post release housing before and during early months of release and continues for several years 3 phase continuum begins in prison moves to a structured reentry phase 2005 Reentry Policy Council 650 000 released from prisons year 7 million released from jail a year
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