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BSC 2086 01 Anatomy and Physiology II Spring 2013 7 8 The Heart 2012 Pearson Education Inc An Introduction to the Cardiovascular System Learning Outcomes 20 1 Describe the anatomy of the heart including vascular supply and pericardium structure and trace the flow of blood through the heart identifying the major blood vessels chambers and heart valves 20 2 Explain the events of an action potential in cardiac muscle indicate the importance of calcium ions to the contractile process describe the conducting system of the heart and identify the electrical events associated with a normal electrocardiogram 2012 Pearson Education Inc An Introduction to the Cardiovascular System Learning Outcomes 20 3 Explain the events of the cardiac cycle including atrial and ventricular systole and diastole and relate the heart sounds to specific events in the cycle 20 4 Define cardiac output describe the factors that influence heart rate and stroke volume and explain how adjustments in stroke volume and cardiac output are coordinated at different levels of physical activity 2012 Pearson Education Inc An Introduction to the Cardiovascular System The Pulmonary Circuit Carries blood to and from gas exchange surfaces of lungs Performed by the right side of the heart The Systemic Circuit Carries blood to and from the body Performed by the left side of the heart Blood alternates between pulmonary circuit and systemic circuit 2012 Pearson Education Inc An Introduction to the Cardiovascular System Three Types of Blood Vessels 1 Arteries Carry blood away from heart 2 Veins Carry blood to heart 3 Capillaries Networks between arteries and veins Also called exchange vessels Location where dissolved gases nutrients and waste products are exchanged between blood and tissue 2012 Pearson Education Inc Figure 20 1 An Overview of the Cardiovascular System PULMONARY CIRCUIT Pulmonary arteries Pulmonary veins SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT Systemic arteries Systemic veins Capillaries in head neck upper limbs Left atrium Left ventricle Capillaries in lungs Right atrium Right ventricle Capillaries in trunk and lower limbs 2012 Pearson Education Inc An Introduction to the Cardiovascular System Four Chambers of the Heart 1 Right atrium Collects blood from systemic circuit 2 Right ventricle Pumps blood to pulmonary circuit 3 Left atrium Collects blood from pulmonary circuit 4 Left ventricle Pumps blood to systemic circuit 2012 Pearson Education Inc 20 1 Anatomy of the Heart The Heart involuntary muscular pump located in the thoracic cavity Typical adult heart is about 5 inches from base to apex pointed tip Apex points to the left side of body Great veins and arteries located at the base Surrounded by pericardial sac Sits in the mediastinum region between two pleural cavities 2012 Pearson Education Inc Figure 20 2a The Location of the Heart in the Thoracic Cavity Trachea First rib cut Base of heart Right lung Diaphragm 2012 Pearson Education Inc Thyroid gland Left lung Apex of heart Parietal pericardium cut An anterior view of the chest showing the position of the heart and major blood vessels relative to the ribs lungs and diaphragm 20 1 Anatomy of the Heart The Pericardium Double lining of pericardial cavity 1 Visceral pericardium Inner layer of pericardium 2 Parietal pericardium Outer layer that forms the inner layer of pericardial sac Fibrous tissue that surrounds and stabilizes heart Pericardial cavity between parietal and visceral layers contains pericardial fluid secreted by the pericardial membranes lubricates and prevents friction Infection of 2012 Pearson Education Inc Figure 20 2b The Location of the Heart in the Thoracic Cavity Posterior mediastinum Aortic arch Aorta arch segment removed Left pulmonary artery Left pleural cavity Left pulmonary vein Left lung Pulmonary trunk Left atrium Left ventricle Pericardial cavity Epicardium Pericardial sac Anterior mediastinum A superior view of the organs in the mediastinum portions of the lungs have been removed to reveal blood vessels and airways The heart is situated in the anterior part of the mediastinum immediately posterior to the sternum Right pleural cavity Esophagus Right lung Bronchus of lung Right pulmonary artery Right pulmonary vein Superior vena cava Right atrium Right ventricle 2012 Pearson Education Inc Figure 20 2c The Location of the Heart in the Thoracic Cavity Base of heart Wrist corresponds to base of heart Cut edge of parietal pericardium Fibrous tissue of pericardial sac Parietal pericardium Areolar tissue Mesothelium Cut edge of epicardium Apex of heart Inner wall corresponds to epicardium Air space corresponds to pericardial cavity Outer wall corresponds to parietal pericardium Balloon Fibrous attachment to diaphragm The relationship between the heart and the pericardial cavity compare with the fist and balloon example 2012 Pearson Education Inc 20 1 Anatomy of the Heart Superficial Anatomy of the Heart Atria thin walled upper chambers of the heart Sulci grooves that separates the chambers Coronary sulcus divides atria and ventricles Interventricular sulcus Separate left and right ventricles Contain blood vessels of cardiac muscle 2012 Pearson Education Inc Figure 20 3a The Superficial Anatomy of the Heart Left common carotid artery Brachiocephalic trunk Ascending aorta Superior vena cava Auricle of right atrium Fat and vessels in coronary sulcus RIGHT ATRIUM RIGHT VENTRICLE Left subclavian artery Arch of aorta Ligamentum arteriosum Descending aorta Left pulmonary artery Pulmonary trunk Auricle of left atrium Fat and vessels in anterior interventricular sulcus LEFT VENTRICLE 2012 Pearson Education Inc Major anatomical features on the anterior surface Figure 20 3a The Superficial Anatomy of the Heart Fibrous pericardium Pulmonary trunk Auricle of left atrium Ascending aorta Parietal pericardium Superior vena cava Auricle of right atrium RIGHT ATRIUM Right coronary artery Coronary sulcus RIGHT VENTRICLE Marginal branch of right coronary artery Parietal pericardium fused to diaphragm Anterior interventricular sulcus LEFT VENTRICLE Major anatomical features on the anterior surface 2012 Pearson Education Inc Figure 20 3b The Superficial Anatomy of the Heart Left pulmonary artery Left pulmonary veins Fat and vessels in coronary sulcus Coronary sinus LEFT VENTRICLE LEFT ATRIUM Arch of aorta Right pulmonary artery Superior vena cava Right pulmonary veins superior and inferior RIGHT ATRIUM RIGHT VENTRICLE Inferior vena cava Fat and vessels in posterior interventricular

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FSU BSC 2086 - The Heart

Type: Lecture Slides
Pages: 142
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