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CCJ2020 Criminal Justice 09 05 2012 3Ways to capture information Track Crime NCVS National Crime Victimization Survey Self Reports for any segment of the population NIBRS UCR Report to the FBI BJS reports the data they find Demographic information Why do we need demographic information o So we know which demographic which age groups are committing the crime With this we can institute crime stopping programs in Best way to get under reported crime certain communities With Money Keeping the survey anonymous and confidential by not using the victims name Don t use their address Keep the surveys as short as you can Start by asking the most interesting information first to catch their attention Follow up Mail a survey this week then follow up after 2 to 3 weeks If they haven t filled it out then send another survey Thank them profusely for their participation Face to face Its hard for people to say no to you when you are in front of them They trust who you are more when face to face o Problem with face to face interviews Feel uncomfortable answering sensitive questions To over come this they can use a computer so that the researcher doesn t see it when they are still face to face Worst way to illicit information Email only 10 to 15 respond o Only certain demographic has email Male upper class Definition of Forcible Rape The carnal knowledge of a person forcibly and against their will Has to include penetration One object into an orifice of another person Includes Excludes o Assault or attempt to commit rape by force or threat of force o Statutory Rape without Force in Florida age of consent 16 o Other sex offenses Forcible Rape One of the most underreported violent crimes o They don t report because Think the police wont be able to catch the suspect Believe that the police will be unsympathetic Want to avoid the embarrassment of publicity Fear reprisal by the sexual offender Fear additional victimization by court proceedings and system it self Asked personal details of the attack and have to repeat them to the jury or court Want to keep family friends from knowing Why do some people lie about having a sexual crime against them To have police be sympathetic Don t want to admit having sex with someone else Because they cheated on a significant other Bring in officers that have similar background or culture to the victim to make them feel more comfortable Forcible Rape Most rapes are committed by acquaintances of the victim as in the case of date rape Most rapists appear to be motivated by the need to feel powerful Use of the date rape drug Rohypnol is rising Robbery The unlawful taking or attempted taking of property that is in the Immediate possession of another by force or violence and or by putting the victim in fear Requires fear and force o Excludes Pick pocketing Aggravated Assault unlawful inflicting of serious injury upon the person of another o Includes used o Excludes Attempted assaults especially when a deadly weapon is The possible use of a gun knife or other weapon that could result in serious injury Simple assaults punching Burglary unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony of theft o Types of Burglaries unlawful taking or attempted taking carrying leading or riding away of property from the possession of another Forcible entry Unlawful entry without force Attempted forcible entry Larceny Theft o Motor vehicles are excluded Includes in declining order of frequency o Theft from motor vehicles o Shoplifting o Theft from building Criminal Justice Causes of Crime Inequality Survival resources lack there of White collar crime causes the biggest problem Characteristics of Classical and Neoclassical Theories Basic assumptions 09 05 2012 o Crime is caused by the individual exercise of free will o Pain and pleasure are the two central determinants of human behavior o Punishment is sometimes required to deter law violators o Crime prevention is possible through swift and certain punishment which offsets any gains to be had through criminal behavior Cesare Beccaria Crime and Punishment essays on crimes and punishment o Was considered controversial at the time o Is referred to as the founder of the classical school of o Felt punishments should be more humanitarian o Called for the end of physical punishment and the death o Believed that punishment should fit the crime and not be criminology penalty excessive Jeremy Bentham s Hedonistic calculus o Concept developed by Jeremy Bentham o The exercise of free would cause an individual to avoid committing a crime as long as the punishment outweighed the benefits o Bentham called this philosophy utilitarianism o Agreed with Beccaria that punishment had to be swift and certain as well as just to be effective The Neoclassical perspective Neoclassical criminology is rooted in the classical school o Places greater emphasis on rationality and cognition that classical criminologists Examples o Rational choice theory Holds that criminality is the result of conscious choice Individuals commit crime when the benefits outweigh the costs Crimes of passion the rationality of people is absent Routine activities theory the more often we go from our houses the more likely we will become victims of crime o Routine activities theory holds that lifestyles contribute to the volume and type of crime found in society juveniles are more likely to be victimized o Crime is likely to occur when a motivated offender and a suitable target come together in absence of a capable guardian Characteristics of biological theory Basic Assumptions o Human behavior is constitutionally or genetically determined Hard to do genetic testing too many variables o Basic determinants of human behavior may be passed from generation to generation Cannot tell if its passed down or learned o Some behavior is the result of propensities inherited from more primitive developmental stages in the evolutionary process Cesare Lombroso not scientifically proven Atavism implies that people are born criminals and are characterized by features thought to be common in earlier stages of human evolution o people with lower IQs are more likely to commit crime Crime Families In 1877 Richard Dugdale studied the Juke family o Over 75 years the heirs of Ada Juke included 1 200 persons mostly social degenerates Goddard 1912 studied two lines of the Kallikak family o One line descended from a feebleminded bar maid Over half of these decedents were feebleminded o The second line descended from a

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FSU CCJ 2020 - Criminal Justice

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