Exam 4 Review Lesson 15 pt 2 What kind of metabolic changes occur during the absorptive and postabsorptive states Absorptive state period following a meal when nutrient absorption is under way Postabsorptive state period when nutrient absorption is not under way Body relies on in ternal energy reserves for energy demands Liver cells conserve glucose Break down lipids and amino acids How are ketone bodies formed Increased concentration of acetyl CoA What is it indicative of What happens if there are too many ketone bodies in your bloodstream Ketoacidosis is a dangerous drop in blood pH caused by high ketone levels In severe ketoacidosis circulating concentration of ketone bodies can reach 200 mg dL and the pH may fall below 7 05 may cause coma cardiac arrhythmias death What types of foods contain all the essential amino acids complete proteins beef fish poultry eggs and milk What types of foods are lacking in one or more essential amino acids incomplete proteins found in plants If you are a vegetarian what type of dietary change can be made to prevent malnutrition you need to take vitamin B12 not in plants but is in tofu What are N compounds and why are they important amino acids purines and pyrimidines creatine porphyrins play in a role in Nitrogen Balance Where do you obtain N compounds Are not stored in body and must be obtains by recycling N compounds in body or from diet Why are minerals and vitamins important Minerals 1 Ions such as sodium chloride and potassium determine osmotic concentrations of body fluids 2 ions play a major role in physiologic processes 3 Ions are essential co factors in many enzymatic reactions vitamins essential organic nutritent that functions as a coenzyme in vital enzymatic reac tions There are two groups Water soluble and fat soluble What roles do they play in metabolic reactions Which vitamins can be stored by the body fat soluble vitamins What are the fat soluble vitamins and why are they important Vitamin A structural component of visual pigment retinal vitamin D some produce by skin in sunlight converted to calcitriol which increases rate of intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption vitamin Eo stabilized intracellular membranes Vitamin K some produced by intestinal bacteria Helps synthesize several proteins includ What is the function of vitamin B12 What is required for its absorption ing three clotting factors Vitamin B12 Intestinal epithelium absorbs all water soluble vitamins except B12 B12 molecule is too large Must bind to intrinsic factor before absorption Lack of B12 hinders RBC production and causes pernicious anemia What is the difference between a calorie and a Calorie Energy required to raise 1 g of water 1 degree Celsius is a calorie cal Energy required to raise 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius is a Calorie Cal What type of molecule has the most chemical energy per gram of that molecule Lipids 9 46 cal g What are some techniques for measuring metabolic rate metabolic rate sum of all anabolic and catabolic processes in the body If daily energy intake exceeds energy demands Body stores excess energy as triglycerides If daily caloric expenditure exceeds dietary supply Body uses energy reserves loses weight Why is thermoregulation important to the body Heat production energy not captured is released as heat serves important homeostatic pur in adipose tissue pose Is it always held at a constant temperature for body temperature to remain constant heat must be lost to environment What can cause changes to normal body temperature temperature cycles ovulatory cycle pyrexia fever Lesson 16 What are the components of the digestive system mouth pharynx esophagus stomach small and large intestines anus Which are classified as primary digestive organs and which are classified as accessory organs primary oral cavity teeth tongue pharynx esophagus stomach small intestines large in testines Accessory salivary glands liver gallbladder pancreas What are the six functions of the digestive system ingestion when materials enter digestive tract via the mouth mechanical processing crushing and shearing digestion chemical breakdown of food into small fragments for absorption secretion release of water acids enzymes buffers and salts by epithelium and glandular absorption movement of organic substrates electrolytes vitamins and water across diges organs tive system excretion removal of waste products via defecation removes feces What is the serous membrane and why is it important to the digestive system serosa visceral peritoneum covers organs within peritoneal cavity What are the functions of the mesenteries double sheets of peritoneal membrand Suspend portions of digestive tract within peritoneal cavity abdominal cavity lined by seri ous membrane by sheets of serous membrane that connect parietal peritoneum with vis ceral peritoneum Stabilize positions of attached organs Prevent intestines from becoming entangled What happens when the peritoneal membrane becomes inflamed Peritonitis Which mesentery is associated with which organ wall lesser omentum stabilizes position of stomach provides access route for blood vessels and other structures entering or leaving liver falciform ligament helps stabilize position of liver relative to diaphragm and abdominal dorsal mesentery greater omentum extends inferiorly between the body wall and the an terior surface of small intestine hangs like an apron from lateral and inferior borders of stomach mesentery proper associated with the inital portion of small intestines duodenum and pancreas mesocolon portion of the large intestine What are the four major layers of the digestive tract What are the components of each layer Which layers have a nerve network mucosa inner mucous membrane lining composed of epithelium and lamina propria blood vessels sensory nerves lymphatic vessels smooth muscles Muscularis mucosae narrow band of smooth muscle and elastic fibers in lamina propria Enteroendocrine cells secrete hormones that coordinate activities of the digestive tract and accessory glands Submucosa layer of dense irregular connective tissue Surrounds muscularis mucosae has large blood vessels and lympatic vessels may contain exocrine glands that secrete buffers and enzymes into digestive tract Submucosal plexus intrinsic nerve fibers that innervates mucosa and submucosa contains sensory neurons and sympathetic and parasympathetic components Muscularis externa dominated by smooth muscle cells inner circular layer outer
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