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Testing and Individual Difference Intelligence Intelligence Test Struggles to identify the mental qualities that we have like our ability to learn from experience problem solving how we use knowledge to adapt to situations Tries to find those but instead comes up with a number that says you have an IQ of a certain number The number that you get is only a reflection of your score on that specific tests on that specific day Someone who has above average in society when dropped into the Amazon would not survive more than a few hours When we took an Amazonian they would survive but not in our society Intelligence is your ability to adapt to problems use old knowledge and new knowledge in order to survive Intelligence Intelligence is a concept not a thing People refer to things like IQ as traits saying I have an IQ of 132 the wrong way to think of it Intelligence is a far broader concept How we use knowledge how we solve problems General Intelligence g Charles Spearman believed that all people have general intelligence To him it is that we internalize everything we do and it can be measures in every possible task you can think of What makes it confusing is that because it underlies everything it can t be measured If we have high general intelligence we should be good at everything but we are not G is like athleticism you can be a really good athlete and have no specific position in the NFL but you can be a poor athlete and a great football player Tom Brady is not an athlete but he is great at what he does Tom Brady would not score high in every athletic test but he excels at being a quarterback Even though when we look at Tom Brady his general intelligence does shine through because he is doing something at a level no one else can do You have an underlying general ability to do something He believes that some abilities are linked People who score highly in verbal skills score high in reasoning This must be indicative that general intelligence exists There is a common skill set in g that allows us to succeed Any specific test someone can perform bad on will not determine their intelligence LL Thurstone Said that g is not possible but proves through experimentation that g is actually true Howard Gardner Most people who study intelligence look for an academic test but in recent times we have moved away thanks to Howard Gardner Believes that there are many different types of intelligences 8 different ones He studies the savants people who suffer from savant syndrome Savant Syndrome A person who has exceptional abilities in certain things but also have incredible deficiencies in other skill sets Kim Peek is a savant he memorized more than 9 000 books but he can t button his own shirt Multiple Intelligences He finds that you can be exceptional in some things and also be special needs in other categories There are 8 different classifications of intelligence and you can score differently in all of them Each of us has different types of intelligences The first one is linguistic intelligence people who can understand talking and speak well You may or may not be good at this and being good or bad at this does not determine your intelligence Next is logical mathematical intelligence people good with numbers not words Third is musical intelligence an ability to interact with music The fourth type is bodily kinesthetic intelligence Gronk is not intelligent but he is an incredible athlete He is a genius in his ability to move and his ability to control his body is amazing Fifth is intrapersonal intelligence how well do you know yourself your wants and desires Interpersonal intelligence is how well you understand others better than themselves they deal well with others The seventh one is spatial intelligence people who understand how things fit together architects and people good at puzzles The final type is naturalistic intelligence people who understand the world around them how nature works If we were to give you an IQ test and a high kinesthetic intelligence and low linguistic and mathematics you would score very bad Having intelligence does not guarantee success Ten Year Rule To maintain excellent performance in every task you need to do it daily for 10 years to master that task Sternberg s Triarchic Theory There are not 8 intelligences there are only 3 The first in analytical which is academic and problem solving intelligence people who do well in school You can problem solve well and handle school well Creative intelligence is being able to adapt to new and novel situations come up with new ideas The last one is practical intelligence people who deal with everyday tasks with good solutions and how you deal with multiple things at the same time How well you are able to make decisions based on your practical knowledge Social Intelligence How able we are able to navigate social situations and thrive in a social environment Distinct form academic intelligence people often fail in social situations when they succeed in academic situations Environment People who grow up in more stimulating environments have more cortices in their brains and exhibit higher levels of intelligence Highly educated people have more synaptic connections in their brains and exhibit more plasticity The speed of processing tells us a little about intelligence there is a slight correlation Assessing Intelligence Francis Galton We have focused on a more individualistic culture in the west figuring out why we are different The first attempt to explain this difference in intelligence was Francis Galton Believes that people with natural ability should be able to combine with others of natural ability and pass it on He wants to figure out how to measure this natural ability He looks at reaction time sensory acuity muscular power and body proportions but cannot find any underlying connections Attempted to find an objective way of measuring natural ability Alfred Binet As more people moved to Paris more people enrolled in Parisian schools The Parisian schools were better than the average French school He says that what happens if we have a student that should be in 12th grade but can only do 10th grade work Should we put in in the grade he academically or chronologically belongs in Do you hurt them more by making them repeat grades or not keep up Mental Age A measure according to Binet s assessment that shows how a chronological age relates to a task If I can do the average work of a 16 year old I am mentally a 16 year old it does

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