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EXAM 1 Notes CCJ2020 January 9 2013 Outline chapters for test and Make sure to take great notes for exams Three main components to the criminal justice system In all societies there is always a criminal justice system that exists Issues with the criminal justice system 1 Police 1st part of the system we come into contact with most visible arm of government in the country Police can be good and bad trust legitimacy differ between different types of people and segments of the population If there is little or no trust legitimacy people do not want to comply with the police or do not respect police Another problem with police is that there are so many police agencies in this country local state and federal agencies over 50 000 police agency in the country Local Leon county Tall P D FSU P D Leon County Sheriffs department State Florida Highway Patrol Fish Wildlife FDLE DOT Indian Police Federal FBI DEA ATF ICE DOHS SEC IRS US Marshalls Border Patrol Customs TSA Park Rangers Dept Of Education Capital Police Department of Corrections Dept of Housing Urban Development Secret Service Communication is a problem when having SOOO MANY different agencies At federal agencies there is a lack of communication to the state and local authorities Another problem is that they are all competing for money if they do not have the money purse they are going to be delegitimized in order to get the money they need to solve cases and such Soo many different agencies leads to wastes 2 Corrections Jail Overcrowding is problematic and it leads to waste of money and redundancy USA has the largest population of people in the jails For every person that we jail its about 100 200 dollars a day In order to get legitimized you need a lot of money purse A large portion of a states budget goes towards the correctional system Other agencies get less money because corrections need soo much Instead of money going to fix roads and infrastructure goes to the corrections jails so our roads suck because our jails are too overcrowded and need so much money Education funding has gone done due to correction jail funds as well 3 Judiciary Main problems in the judicial system is back log An accumulation of something esp uncompleted work or matters that need to be dealt with With low money we have to back log Most cases are settled with plea 95 When you plea you are waiving your rights to a jury trial and other rights NO OTHER COUNTRY USES IT TO THE EXTENT THAT WE DO Most people that get arrested have less demographical young low economic status Your rights under law are pivotal If you get pulled over for DUI just don t say anything say I have the right to remain silent let the cop do what he has to do then move on Because we have a lack of resources this leads to people not going into the system and having a jury trial instead they just plea Resources are money Public Offenders make around 32 000 coming out of law school they also have 100 cases per week so because the resources their salary and more attorneys are low the cases are going to frequently be pleas instead of jury trials Public defenders have little to no experience so they are cheap Their effort is all backed by salary and of cases January 11th 2013 Friday The Crime Picture The Value Of Data Data are valuable and can be used to Shape Public Policy Analyze and evaluate existing programs Create new programs Plan new laws Develop funding requests Sources of Data Nationally crime statistics come from two major sources 1 Uniform Crime Reports also known as the UCR NIBRS Program Primary Source to Track Crime secondary data advantages Cheap Free and easily accessible The police reports VOLUNTARILY report their crime so they don t have to do it and it doesn t have to always be right A lot do give correct data but some don t give any at all Also police officers don t report crimes the same Some say crimes are burglary and some cops say its just breaking and entering Cops don t report the same things Another problem with the UCR is say you have 5 burglary s in one night only one of those burglary s are getting sent to the FBI not each one of them sent 2 National Crime Victimization Survey NCVS They call on a random basis to capture the crime that is not reported to the police Most under reported crimes of all crimes is sexually assault Advantages to having survey data is that it is easily gathered secondary data and it encapsulates a population that we generally do not have access too Disadvantage of the NCVS is it doesn t capture children crimes under the age of 12 The other problem with surveys is that any time u survey a population is that people lie Another disadvantage to a survey is people s memory sucks and we forget the crime and forget the major details These two things have two populations UCR is reported crime to the police and NCVS is non reported crime to the police Additionally data are available from Professional Organizations example PERF Offender Self reports self reporting methods same disadvantages Other regular publications example Sourcebook of Criminal as survey research Justice Statistics UCR Crime Index UCR did index crimes but DOES NOT DO index crimes anymore Know why UCR is important and the advantages and disadvantages NIBRS The New UCR Know why NIBRS is important and the advantages and disadvantages NIBRS is much more detailed than the old UCR system it now includes Place of occurance Weapon used Type and value of property damaged or stolen The persons characteristics of the victim and offender Nature of victim offender relationship MOST IMPORTANT relationship crimes seem to be the ones that are under reported it also replaced the old part 1 and part 2 offenses with 22 general offenses 22 general offenses include KNOW MAIN Kidnapping Larceny Motor vehicle theft Pornography Prostitution Narcotic offenses embellement extortion MOST UCR NCVS information reported as a rate of crime Crime Rate number of crimes 100 000 population Rates allow for comparison across areas and times Major shifts in Crime rates Mass Immigrants mass crimes Immigration during the turn of the 19th century saw an explosion in growth in crime and immigrants Also immigrants came to this country because of the industrial revolution THEN Early 1940 s sharp drop in crime rate as many young men went to WW2 1960 early 1990 s Dramatic increase in crime rates as police professionalism and victim reporting grew This increase was because of cultural revolution gay rights rights for

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