Democracy I Post Cold War Predictions According to realists conflict was likely in the future Mearsheimer Huntington Fukuyama Huntington predicts clash of civilization facing increasing conflict over cultural religious lines Fukuyama Optimistic he predicts peace says once the cold war ended democracy has prevailed causing it to spread Constructivist Identity perspective focuses on ideas culture religion values norms not survival power institutions The end of history the end of mankind ideological evolution universalization of western liberal democracy as the final form of human government He believed that liberal democracy offered the best option for mankind II Waves of Democracy The process of democratization 1st Through the US 19th century US France Britain Sweden Denmark Netherlands 2nd After WWII ends military coups being established taking down democracy ex Brazil Chile Argentina 3rd at the end of the cold war Democracy will be restored in Latin America Democracy starts forming in Africa Eastern Europe will start to establish their own as well III Fukuyama s End of History End point of mankind s ideological evolution universalization of western liberal democracy as final form of human govt 1 Natural evolution of political ideology boiling down to liberal democracy A Hegel German Philosopher Unlike Mark he takes a non materialistic view of history Argues for 3 main components human make up 1 The desire for survival food water shelter 2 Rational man can obtain the things for survival by having the ability to ration 3 Spiritedness desires recognition meaning we want to be seen as having value importance Struggle for prestige NOT power Once prestige has been acquired competition is no longer needed This applies to state as a democracy Through liberal democracy all individuals are equal no competition B Preeminence of Ideas 1 Some look at history through a Marxist lenses how it affects the haves and have nots However Fukuyama says that ideas determine everything else Ideas determine what type of economic structure will be like and what type of political form of gov will be established Ideas are what behind war Ideas SHAPE everything political form of government as well as determine structure in other words governments don t control us but ideas govern us C Teleological History Not a series of events it s a natural progression in a linear direction that will eventually come to fulfillment As technology began to advance it required a more sophisticated form of civilization A new set of ideas will come into play that will give people Liberal Democracy 1 Beginning primitive form of organization 2 Middle what form of rule word would be best 3 Present New set out of ideas that led to liberalist democracy D Liberal Democracy i Based on the ideas of the enlightenment Focused on the empowerment of the individual For the first time in history it gave people democracy and equality to some extent People gain voting rights because they are able to voice their opinions to the gov ii Acknowledge existence of gov right to own property right to freedom of expression market economy Capitalism iii Fascism Communism rise After WWII the fascist leaders fall the ideas become discredited which leaves Communism standing At the end of Cold War communism proved to be another failure Fukuyama believes that states would continue to adopt democracy 1 Major ideological wars were over Instead countries would go to war over resources Huntington would argue that wars after Cold War would be likely to occur IV One explanation for Democracy Modernization Theory Modernization theory explains why democracy came about created in Western Europe i As we industrialize new classes are created who then put pressure on the existing political system breaking down the old monarchies and demanding more rights ii Through that process came democracy Wealthy nations tend to be democracies thus democracies tend to be wealthy that is not always true Eg China who has followed the theory but is still not a democracy iii Democracy is caused by modernization 2 Fukuyama argues democracy as a natural progression of ideas that will come about with or without modernization A Industrialization Econ development promoted democratization b c it transforms society and posts challenge to existing political border We got there through industrialization 1 Bourgeoisie middle class industrialists want privileges of nobility and rights to control labor 2 Proletariat industrial workers without them none of this process would have occurred horrid working conditions if wanted rights they would pose challenge to political force B Societies Transformed i Drastic change to society not just demographically but how people know and communicate to each other 1 Change to education 2 Creations of civil societies ii People start to challenge government thus gain greater rights freedom representation universal suffrage Politicize the masses D Critiques of Modernization Theory This is a theory that applies to the US but does not necessarily apply to every other country in the world a Was democratization a result of modernization No There are also countries that have gone through modernization are still not a democracy So the assumptions of countries that are democratic are also modern and vice versa are incorrect E What perspective is that What if modernization didn t cause democracy Wealth does help create democratic stability According to the Identify perspective modernization doesn t cause democracy 1 Middle and upper classes business owners industrialists civil institutions Within Wealth Democratic Peace Democratic Stability society a Poor countries lack middle class due to lack wealth 1 Educational opportunities 2 Drastically increases stakes a Wealthy people have invested in economy hence invested interest in govt is higher because govt controls economy 3 1 Democratic stability evidence yes there is i Helps create stability ii Gives education opportunities iii Drastically increases the stakes There is a lot of evidence to support democratic stability II Democratic Peace 3 main points 1 Democracies don t fight each other A Fukuyama As democracy spreads he stated that we should expect peace to spread as well He also viewed all states to be equal which decreases competition and conflict B Bill Clinton He believes that in democracies states don t attack each other this is the crux or most important point of democracy eg Britain and US both democracy war
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