Intro to Crim 1 09 2013 In every single society criminal justice system that has and does exist There are 3 main component of the criminal justice system Police first arm of government as well as the most visible Trust Legitimacy is a problem within police it has been studied within segments and subsections of population and African Americans have the most issues with trust and legitimacy followed by Latinos Consequence of trust not wanting to comply may be animosity if white officer arrests black assailant So many different branches of police local state and federal Local TDP FSUPD Leon County Sheriff Department All difference jurisdictions but within the same county State Florida Highway Patrol Fish and Wildlife FDLE DOT Indian Police Federal FBI CIA DEA ICE DHS IRS SEC Post Master ATF Border Patrol CBP TSA Park Rangers Dept of Education Capital Police DOC Dept of Housing and Urban Development Secret Service Problems with having so many agencies lack of communications between agencies from Federal companies to local or state ones They compete for money and credit and to do that you must legitimize your agency which can cause some to withhold information from other agencies A problem with TSA is that they are too big and yet they ask for more money every year to legitimize themselves Another problem is that there is no security on the outside of an airport All the security is located near the gates but not near the ticket counter All of security is devoted to the middle of the airport not the front which leads to redundancy and a waste of resource Corrections Main problem with correction overcrowding which leads to redundancy a waste of money We have the largest prison population in the world which leads to more money waste For every person that we jail it is about 200 a day Same problem as police in order to get legitimatize you need money If the government has a budget of 10 million dollars most of the time more than half the budget will go to the corrections which affects the other agencies such as education and infrastructure where we rank as a D We are deficient in 50 000 bridges and they should not be used but most of the money goes to corrections Money for education has also been affected higher loan rates less scholarship eliminated subsidized loans smaller pell grants Judiciary Main problem backlog by several hundreds thousand cases Not enough money to support the judiciary system which backlogs cases 95 of cases that enter the criminal justice system are pled What s the problem with that to the individual level You are essentially waiving your rights to a jury trial and other rights that are guaranteed under the constitution We are the only country who uses this to such a maximum system Most people that get arrested are usually less educated and young which leads to not understanding the criminal justice system For example when you drink and drive you have the right to not open your mouth when an officer asks you how many beers you have You just sit there and look pretty Backlog occurs because of the lack of resources and resources are money Public defenders make about 30 33 thousand dollars a year while paying 100 000s in loans You would have to work around 60 80 hours a week with the average of a 100 case loads a week What will happen to the 100 cases The more cases you have the less rights you have Another component that needs to be addressed is the fact that public defenders have little or no experience when they start out which adds to the correlations to the number of cases and the amount of time they will spend on a case It s a total disaster We have a shit criminal justice system 1 11 2013 Missed the first slide Sources of Data Nationally crime statistics come from 2 major sources Uniform Crime Reports also known as the UCR NIBRS Program Police dept voluntarily report their crime stats which is the primary source of data that researches uses to track crime The UCR is advantageous because anyone can access it it is also very cheap free Another advantage is that it is a nation sample because it covers every state known as a secondary data Though it is convenient it comes at a cost Police report voluntarily to the FBI which suppresses the actual number of crime Another problem is that police dept do not report crime the same nationwide They can report a domestic violence case as a case of assault for example If there is 5 burglaries that occur around the same time only one will reported to the FBI You have artificial suppression of the crime reports Another disadvantage is that the UCR does not keep track of later education If a case is labeled as a burglary and later disappears for whatever reason it will still remain a burglary There is no consistency in how this program works National Crime Victimization Survey NCVS hopes to fill the gap of crimes that are not reported to the police They call a random unbiased sample and it captures people that don t report crime to the police sometimes The most under reported crime of all crimes is sexual assault battery usually because the assailant is someone they know If reported to the police it is called survey data secondary data African Americans are the most likely not to report crime with Hispanics as a close second It also does not record people under the age of 12 Another problem with surveying a population is that people lie They may lie to get through the survey quickly or they may embellish a story Another problem is that we forget because we tend to have a shit memory When you re surveying people as a researcher you must jog their memory to increase response or even segmenting time since you graduated have you been a victim of crime compared to have you ever been a victim of crime Additionally date are available from professional organization such as PERF offender self reports and regularly publicated journals Using secondary data is complicated because the researcher might have different National Incident Based Reporting System Incident driven rather than summary based FBI started this program in 1998 City county and state and federal law interests than you own UCR Crime Index NIBRS enforcement agencies furnish NIBRS More detailed than old UCR Takes in consideration Place of occurrence weapon used type and value of property damaged or stolen personal characteristics of the victim and offender and nature of victim offender relationship as well as case disposition Most crimes are underreported because of the
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