UB UGC 112 - The World Economic System and Globalization

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1 The World Economic System and Globalization Hundreds years ago human tribes lived under segregations from one another without the acknowledgement of others existence Starting from about 1400 in central Asian a Chinese emperor launched a great multitude of ships with a eunuch commander called Zheng He alongside with hundreds and thousands of soldiers to voyage all around the world for the purpose of seeking a lost nephew The voyages happened in Ming dynasty China and were recorded into the historical documents called Ming Shi lu 51 According to Ming Shi lu which was written by the Grand Secretariat a department in government of recording imperial records Ming emperor initiated seven voyages in total reached to Southeast Asia India and East Africa This is the very beginning and the fundamental establishment of the later globalizational trade among continents The eunuch Zheng He and others were sent with Imperial orders as well as embroidered fine silks silk gauzes variegated thin silks and other goods to confer upon the kings of these countries 52 in return the envoys of the countries they visited also sent back tribute as presents such as cloves cinnamon cotton and Ivory for the Ming emperor It has also long inclined towards Chinese culture and been accepting of civilizing influences Alongside the exchange of the presents of these countries cultural influences also spread in people s minds and unconsciously influences the way of thinking and the establishment of civilization This is the very beginning of the acknowledgement of the world the seas and the continents When later on Genghis Khan established the largest contiguous Mongol empire in the world history and the Genoese navigator Christopher Columbus discovered the New World which turned into the famous Columbus Exchange the desire for goods and wealth would provides a strong promotion for the prosperity of the world economic system an essential 2 origin of the creation of colonization and slave market It also opened the door for the storm of the epidemic disease to spread all over the world Mongols are the nomadic steppe tribe originally lived in the northern Eurasia They majorly sustain themselves on raising the livestock As we can imagine the unsettled lifestyle would not generate a wealthy and comfortable life for the people in Mongolian tribes By conquering China they acquired more land resources and by taking over the accumulated wealth of Chinese government they were able to fulfill the desire of obtaining goods and generating more wealth for Mongols Beginning in 1206 the expansion of the Mongol leader Chinggis Khan reached to Korea peninsula Central Asia Afghanistan and Burma This conquering action also generated the integration of the various cultures for example nomadic and settled lifestyles living habits and perspectives of thinking Mongols adopted the language of the settled nation blended into their culture and converted themselves to Muslim The establishment of this largest empire across Eurasia by Mongols also created benefits and conveniences for former counties trade within Technologies like gun power and needle compass navigator religious of Muslim Christian and Buddhism also participated in this continental communication and interconnectedness The exchange of technologies and commodities flourished the trading market that leads the world economic system into an era of globalization The negative impact brought by the expansion of the Mongol empire is the spread of epidemic from Asia to Europe Bubonic plague so called the Black Death carried by the merchants and soldiers who travelled to inner Asia in 1346 to 1353 commuted by the means of shipping from the sea or walking and horse riding through the inland spread the germs to the European populace It is an infectious disease with the symptoms of coughing having a fever and eventually leads to death with Swollen Lymph Nodes and dark spots on the body According 3 to the documentations with such a high death toll there was a scarcity of workers of all kinds wages roughly doubled and prices rose as well 44 Because a great part of the people especially of workmen and servants late died of the pestilence many seeing the necessity of masters and great scarcity of servants will not serve unless they may receive excessive wages and some rather willing to beg in idleness 45 The bubonic plague caused up to sixty percent deduction in European population and thirty percent in Asian countries which in another sense created a devastative struck to the human labor force in the economic market a destruction of the social systems It also caused a rise of religious practice in Christianity as people regarded the disease as a means of the wrath from the God for the punishment of Jews Muslims homosexuals and prostitutes In order to import commodities such as cotton saltpeter gold diamonds coffee pepper and sugar from India and tea ceramics silk and cannons from China Europeans needed to either go through the silk road from the dry land or take the sailing routes across half of the sphere These procedures cost plenty of effort and enormous expenses In 1492 sponsored by Spanish government Christopher Columbus started the exploration westward for a desired route through the waterway in order to reach the destination in a shorter period of time with less energy Instead of achieving the original goal Christopher s ship touched down in nowadays San Salvador Bahamas The importance of the New Land in regarding to the economic system is that it offered more natural resources in the trading market Not only does the New Land provided more soils for crops and planation but it also provided natural resources like silver and gold which would eventually flow into the market around the world and generate more monetary value At the same time the founding of the New Land increased the communication among the continents in regarding to the partition of political powers over the Americas the 4 creation of the colonies by European countries in the Americas later on the urgent need for labors of the plantations which brought a revolutionary change in the human s development of civilization All those movements caused the immigration of people all over the world that turned Americas into a melting pot with the variety of cultures from Europe Asia and Africa Due to the heavy loads of work on the sugar and coffee plantations in Americas there was a huge need of slavery merged into the market Africa

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UB UGC 112 - The World Economic System and Globalization

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