UA PSY 101 - Perceptual Organization (ontinued) and introduction to Hearing
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PSYCH 101 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Sensory Adaptation II Perceptual Set III Context Effects IV Emotions and Motivation V Vision A Color Hue and Brightness B The Eye Photoreceptors Rods and Cones The Blind Spot C Color Vision Young Helmholtz Trichromatic Three Color Theory Opponent Process Theory D Perceptual Organization The Role of Perception Figure Ground Perception Grouping How We Make Gestalts Gestalt Proximity Continuity and Closure Outline of Current Lecture I Perceptual Organization continued A Depth Perception Visual Cliff Perceiving depth from 2D images Monocular cue II Perceptual Constancy III Hearing Hearing Frequency Amplitude Complexity A The Ear Outer Ear Eardrum Middle Ear Inner Ear B Sound Perception Loudness Pitch These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Localization Current Lecture I Perceptual Organization continued A Depth perception Visual cliff a test of depth perception depth perception is in part innate Even new born animals fear the perceived cliff Human doesn t fear of the depth until they start moving Perceiving depth from 2d images Binocular methods using both eyes cues exist because humans have two eyes in front of our head This gives us retinal disparity the two eyes have slightly different views and the more different the views are the closer the object must be Monocular cue interposition when an object appears to block the view of another we assume that the blocking of the eyes Relative size interpret familiar objects of known size Linear perspective and Interposition Relative height higher objects tend to be farther away II III Perceptual Constancy Ability to see objects as appearing the same even under different lighting conditions at different distances and angles Perceptual constancy is a top down process e g color and brightness constancy shape and size constancy Hearing How do we take a sensation based on sound waves and turn it into perceptions of music people and actions how we distinguish among thousands of pitches and voices Hearing audition starting with sound Frequency Pitch Length of the sound wave perceived as high and low Amplitude Volume height or intensity of sound wave perceived as loud Complexity perceived as sound quality or resonance A The Ear The outer ear collects sound and funnels it to the eardrum Eardrum tight membrane that vibrates with sound waves The middle ear sound waves hit the eardrum 3 bones in the middle ear hammer anvil and stirrup The inner ear waves of fluid move from the oval window over the cochlea s hair receptor cells These cells sends signal the auditory nerves B Sound Perception Loudness Refers to more intense sound vibrations This causes a greater number of hair cells to send signals to the brain Soft sounds only activate certain hair cells louder sounds move those hair cells and their neighbors Pitch Place theory at high sound frequencies signals are generate at different locations in the cochlea depending on pitch The brain reads pitch by reading the location where the signals are coming from Frequency theory at low sound frequencies hair cells send signals at whatever rate the sound is received Localization how we seem to know the location of the source of the sound sounds usually reach one of our ears sooner and with more clarity wan they reach the other ear the brain uses this difference to generate a perception of the direction the sound was coming from

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UA PSY 101 - Perceptual Organization (ontinued) and introduction to Hearing

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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