UB UGC 112 - PPT - Socialism Marx Darwin Mar. 20(1)

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Terms March 20 2013 Modernity Individualism Capitalism The Challenge of Modernity The Course of Empire 1833 36 Liberals Conservatives Utopianism ou topos Shakers Oneida Mormons Utopian Socialists Fourier Saint Simon Blanc GF Hegel Scientific Socialism Marx Engels 1848 The Manifesto alienation bourgeoisie proletariat Darwin Wallace Social Darwinism Nietzsche Modernism Music Work of the Weavers http www youtube com watch v VwwWKIXVlGQ 2 04 The Collier s March 1782 http www youtube com watch v cuBgeGKPGZI 4 34 6 42 sung by Chumbawamba The Row between the Cages http www randynissen net industrial revolution songs html 1 51 sung by E McColl Modernity o o o o o o Scientific advances Shedding traditional sources of authority Solving Problems Progress Individualism Capitalism Meaning Constant change Thomas Cole Course of Empire I The Savage State Cole CoE II The Pastoral State Cole CoE III Consummation Cole CoE IV Destruction Cole CoE V Desolation Challenges of Modernity o o o o Progress or cycles Relentless change Haste Loss of religious values o The spread of nihilism o Exploitation of workers of colonies o Winners and Losers Responses Western Responses to the Challenge of Modernity Liberals step by step progress Conservatives tradition Religion Evangelicalism the Catholic Response OR SOLVE EVERYTHING Utopia Answers or new problems American Utopias Shaker Mormon Fourierist Utopias Gaius Gracchus Babeuf Comte de Ste Simon Louis Blanc State Socialism June Days 1848 Karl Marx Hegelian dialectic Marxian dial mat Class interest and class conflict as the engine of Young Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace Older Darwin and of course Wallace Biology and evolution o Natural Selection o Survival of the fittest o Leads to new species o Confirmed by genetics o Foundation of modern biology o Applied to human societies o Social Darwinism o Eugenics o What is fit Who decides o Is there a racial destiny to rule or to die off Stephen Jay Gould punctuated equilibria Richard Dawkins gene level selection

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UB UGC 112 - PPT - Socialism Marx Darwin Mar. 20(1)

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