UB UGC 112 - PPT - Nationalism and Imperialism - Mar. 27(1)

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TERMS March 27 2013 Nationalism Imperialism Greece 1821 British E India Co Byron Factory forts Navarino 1827 Sir William Jones Italy Mazzini Cavour Garibaldi Africa Prussia Germany Berlin Conference 1884 5 Bismarck Congo Free State Blood and Iron Leopold II Anti Semitism Royal Asiatic Society Dresden 1882 Orientalism National museums Nationalist Music Bed ich Smetana M Vlast Moldau http www youtube com watch v kdtLuyWuPDs 6 10 35 Defining Nation A group linked by common descent shared history language religion and or culture An imagined community People have to learn that they share nationality A nation is NOT necessarily a country Nation state when a nation has its own country Defining Nationalism The belief that one s devotion to the nation should be stronger than any other group loyalty or individual interest Cultural unity should define political reality each nation have its own state Greek Nationalism in Paris Constantinople and Greece Odyssey text Lord Byron s grave Greece at Independence 1830 The Big Idea Dreaming of Modern Greece X X Italian unification Prussia becomes Germany British Museum 1824 Istanbul Archaeological Museum 1869 British India European Scramble for Africa The conquest of the earth is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness Leopold s Empire Showing the European Equivalent of the Congo Free State Leopold s Congo as seen in Europe 1906 Leopold s Retreat Belgian Reforms Nov 1908 Congo Free State became Belgian Congo 1909 1913 Belgium introduced free trade labor reforms 1914 Germany conquered Belgium 1915 Free Trade regulated and forced Labor re embraced After the Scramble Europe Less than 7 of the world s land surface but Europe and the New Europe in the Americas controlled 84 of the world s land surface in 1914 And they were sure they deserved it British overseas domains 1914 Kar Mi Kar Mi Ouija board Orientalist craze Modern Greece

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UB UGC 112 - PPT - Nationalism and Imperialism - Mar. 27(1)

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