UA PSY 101 - The Inner and Outer Parts of the Nervous System
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PSYCH 101 1st Edition Lecture 5 Outline of Last Lecture I Phrenology and Biological Psychology II Structures of a Neuron A Dendrites Axon Myelin Sheath B Action Potential C The Synapse D Reuptake III How neurotransmitters Activate Receptors A Agonist B Antagonist Outline of Current Lecture I The Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System II Types of Neurons A Sensory Motor and Interneurons B The Nerves III More Parts of the Nervous System A Peripheral Nervous System consists of IV The Autonomic Nervous System A Sympathetic and Parasympathetic V The Central Nervous System A Interneurons in the spine VI The Endocrine System A Hypothalamus Thyroid Gland Parathyroids Adrenal Glands Pancreas and Pituitary Glands B The body s Endocrine message system Current Lecture I II The Central Nervous System CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord The CNS makes decisions for the body The Peripheral Nervous System PNS consists of the rest of the nervous system The PNS gathers and sends information to and from the rest of the body Types of Neurons A Sensory Neurons carry messages IN from the body s tissues and sensory receptors to the CNS for processing These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV V VI Motor Neurons carry instructions OUT from the CNS out to the body s tissues Interneurons Located in the brain and spinal cord process information between the sensory input between the sensory input and motor input B The nerves consist of neural cables containing many axons Nerves are part of the PNS and connect muscles glands and sense organs to the central nervous system More Parts of the nervous system The Nervous system consist of the PNS and CNS A The PNS has multiple parts that go into it Peripheral Nervous system Autonomic Somatic and inside of Automatic is Sympathetic and Parasympathetic The Autonomic Nervous System controls self regulated action of internal organs and glands In the Autonomic there is the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system A The sympathetic nervous system AROUSES fight or flight The parasympathetic nervous system CALMS rest and digest The Central Nervous System The brain is a web of neural networks The spinal cord is full of interneurons that sometimes have a mind if their own like when the doctor taps your knee and it jerks out a reflex A Interneurons in the spine Your spine s interneurons trigger your hand to pull away from a fire before you can even say ouch This is an example of a reflex action The Endocrine System refers to a set of glands that produce chemical messengers called hormones A Hypothalamus brain region controlling the pituitary gland Thyroid Gland affects metabolism among other things Parathyroids Help regulate the level of calcium in the blood Adrenal Glands Inner part helps trigger the fight or flight response Pancreas regulates the level of sugar in the blood Pituitary Gland secretes many different hormones some of which affect other glands B The Body s Endocrine Message System Slow but sure The endocrine system sends molecules as messages just like the nervous system but it sends them through the bloodstream instead of across synapses which is why the message is slower think about when you intake alcohol These molecules called hormones are produced in various glands around the body

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UA PSY 101 - The Inner and Outer Parts of the Nervous System

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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