UA PSY 101 - The Structure of a Neuron and Neurotransmitters
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PSYCH 101 1st Edition Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture l How do we find out about causation Side note Random Sampling Vs Random Assignment ll Control Group lll Placebo Effect A Double Blind lV Naming Variables A Independent Variable B Dependent Variable Outline of Current Lecture I Phrenology and Biological Psychology II Structures of a Neuron A Dendrites Axon Myelin Sheath B Action Potential C The Synapse D Reuptake III How neurotransmitters Activate Receptors A Agonist B Antagonist Current Lecture I Phrenology The study of bumps on the skull and their relationship to mental abilities and character traits This was studied in the early 1800 s and has been found to have no relation the size of the brain Biological Psychology includes neuroscience behavior genetics neuropsychology and evolutionary psychology All of these explore different aspects of how the nature of mind and behavior is rooted in our biological heritage These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute II Structures of a neuron dendrites cell body Axon with myelin sheath covering it Axon Terminals A Dendrites where neurons receive chemical input from other cells They are the receivers Axon How each neuron sends messages to the next dendrites Myelin Sheath Fatty tissue insulation around axon and helps move messages faster B Action Potential A neural impulse that travels down an axon like a wave Just as the wave can flow to the right in a stadium even though the people only move up and down a wave moves down an axon although it is only made up of ion exchanges moving in and out This is an all or none response and has constant magnitude all the way until the end A neuron know when to send a message because it receives signals from other neurons some saying go and some saying no C The Synapse A junction between the atom tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the next receiving neuron It s also known as the synaptic junction or synaptic gap D Reuptake After the neurotransmitters stimulate the receptors on the receiving neuron the chemicals are taken back up into the sending neuron to be used again they are recycled in that way III How Neurotransmitters Activate Receptors They fit together like a lock and key each neurotransmitter bonds with a receptor A Agonist molecule that fills the receptor site and activates it acting like the neurotransmitter B Antagonist Molecule that fills the lock so that the neurotransmitter cannot get in and activate the receptor site prevents

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UA PSY 101 - The Structure of a Neuron and Neurotransmitters

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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