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Persia Basically Iran Great central plateau o Invaders tend to come from the world of as step grassy plains o They were invaded around 1000b c Invaders and passers througho C 100 AD Seljuks Turkish Muslims sunni o Move through on way west to found o Seljuke empire o C 1200ad Mongols Part of which spreads from Mongolia to far east as far west as Russia Kahnates o Persian khanates IlKhanate Subordinate khanates Ilkhan 1300 AD Mongol empire 1200 1300 s o Ghazan Interested in building a stable state with flourishing economy Cut taxes on bulk of population o Ghazan converts to Shiite islam Tried to unify country via shiism After Ghazan Persia gradually fell back into pitty kingdoms until united briefly by a Turkie ruler o Timur the Lame Tamerlane C 1400 but fades after Timur s death But shiism surviv o Safi Al Din Sufi mystic and a major figure in Persian shiism C 1500 Ismail 1st Founds o Safavid dynasty Bring together Turkie tribes and Persians 3 sources of power Tribesmen soldiers Kizilbas 2 Persian educated class for administrators Shiism to unite country C 1600 Shah Abbas Greatest period for short amount of time Built up military o Independent of tribes o Based on gun powder o With European advisors Also worked to build economy through native exports o Carpets o porcelain o Metal goods o Silk With death of Abbas Safavids begin to fade and we move on to INDIA through Afghanistan C 1500 o o o o o o Barbur Turkic invader of Afghanistan Has plans for northwest India Invades north west India and founds Mughal Dynasty and Mughal Empire Will have power from c 1500 1750 AD in India Passed on control to son Humayun Lost a deal of territory to an afghan revolt but son Akbar regained territory and much more Akbar Inclusive Muslim in a Hindu land Court includes every kind of religion o Administrators with 4 departments Army Finance Law religion Royal household includes infrastructure Passes his throne to son Jahangir Continues Akbar s policies Passes throne to his son Jahan Who decides extending Mughal Empire has time for favorite wife Mumtaz Mahal He built her a taj mahal Son younger of Jahan Aurangzeb Overthrows Father Older brother And clamps down on other religions strict Muslim o Causing massive unrest o After his death mid 1700 s fate of India passes to European hands India always full of things Europe wanted Spices Metal goods Sugar Cotton cloth o Sillim production method Europeans begin to try to control Indian trade from 1500 AD onwards Portuguese Goa colony on west coast Dutch 1550 English 1620 French 1670 By 1800 the English dominate 3 part method o Native soldiers Sepoy o Puppet princes o An increasingly large civil service So England controlled almost all of India from 1850 1947

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UB UGC 112 - Persia

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