UB UGC 112 - Lecture 16 The 19th century western european city

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The 19th century western European city The late medieval city Population 10 50 000 next to a polluted water source One water source for everything Within the walls o No public lighting o No public services No fire department No police No sanitation No trash removal All within medieval city wall Let s jump forward in time to about 1800 Add factories mills to old city Population grows o Mad up of new factory workers Can be 5 10 times old population 1801 17 population in cities 1891 54 population in cities Old city grows and grows more polluted by the year Air water and no public services No sanitation No firemen No police o All crowded in There came communicable diseases 1832 and 1954 cholera Causes cramping diarrhea which leaves to dehydration which leads to death What cause it Miasma Something in the air Bad Air Maisma theory 1864 Dr Jhon Snow o Suggested cause for cholera in South London 1860 s London builds more modern sewers over in France o Louis Pasteur Creates the Germ theory Vaccination o Theory could be applied to antisepsis o Sir Joseph Lister Advertised antiseptic practices While in France with let s look at Paris Let s visit Paris Nap III hired o An early city planner and architect Baron Haussmann o To modernize Paris By mid 19 century o Omnibus Latin for For All th 2and have 19 century beginnings of Commuter suburbs and underground railways for quick travel in mid city Industrial revolution brought on o Complex stratification and growth of social classes Upper class Middle lots of subclasses Lower lots of sub classes 1900s city greatly changes Sanitation Public services Lighting Sky scrappers But 1900 internal combustion engine o Petroleum o Electricity Lights telephones

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UB UGC 112 - Lecture 16 The 19th century western european city

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