Romanticism A different way to look at the world through the feelingso based upon the ideas of the philosophes especially Rousseau Come from French Philosophes but 1st per Romantics are German o storm and Stress Sturm and Drang in German Strong inters in depicting extreme emotional states madness suicide incest etc o Long list of interests Which gets even longer with next generation early Romantics o Emotional states o Nature As itself not as simply a tool for humans Germany o Culture o Architecture o Past Especially medieval past o Folktales o Folksong Supernatural Death and beyond All need to be expressed in Art main poet Friedrich Klopstock Medieval Germany the true Germany and Das Volk the people o Still somehow Live in it Presented it in memory speech song This Germany also lived in o A deep dense forest About 1800 we see A rise in collecting German things o Often artist and scholars Often v young Achim von Arnim Clemens Brentano o 1805 First Edition of Des Knaben WunDerHorn Dude s The young Fellow s Magic horn o 1912 Bros Grimm Kinder und Housmarchen o Children s and domestic Wonder tales o Painting same interests C asper D avid Friedrich o Music 18th century compsers o Bound to come and church Early romantics began to move away freeing themselves to create new forms and to revitalize old ones Helped by a new instrument The fortegano Social elemento England Liberalism Improving conditions for many through legal means o In France Utopianism A complete and radical change of culture towards communalism o Towards karl marx and communism Marx believed Inat o History was a struggle between haves bourgeoisie and havenots proletariat Industrial revolution would bring about the victory of the havenots because they would control production
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