Absolute Monarchy Louis 14 once said in French Letat ceutmoi 1550 1600 Wars of religion in France Protestants vs Catholics o In the middle of this Henery 4th A protestant but takes the throne Converts to Catholicism supposedly saying Paris is well worth a mass so he becomes king in 1589 after the assassination of his predecessor Henery 3 rd 1598 Edict of Nantes toleration for protestants o France is too big for one man s have a minister o Henery 3rd and Dede de Sully Focuses upon economy and how to build up France infrastructure Roads canals Dealing with nobles Noble lose political power but don t pay taxes o Who pays Small middle classes and all the peasants 1610 Henery is assassinated and government is taken over by wife Maria on behalf of Louis 13 age 9 and her advisor o Cardinal Richelieu o The king is to be center of government and cardinal are to be behind the king Appoints inspectors To watch over 32 provinces of France o Cardinal is in charge Protested revolt in 1620 s 1642 Cardinal dies 1643 Louis Dies Leading his wife Anne of Austria and little Louis 14 th o Cardinal Mazoria Continuous cardinal R s policies and bring on a revolt War of La Fronde As Louis grows he comes into the middle of this civil war period and learns 2 big things o Hatred for Paris o A need to be absolute monarch One king One law king s law One Religion Revoke Edict of Nantes 1685 th Now Luis 14 need a minister o Eawn Baptiste o Cobert Mercantilism state control of the economy o Louis 14th wanted to spend on His favorite place Versailles Favorite gf s had lots Wants to make France bigger and more important Luis did not improve economy Dies in 1715 His decedents were still paying for him at the revolution in 1789
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