GT ECE 2030 - ECE 2030 Quiz

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ECE 2030d Quiz 1 Name Spring 2011 Student Closed Book No Notes No Calculators 1 5 points Perform each of the following Write your answer in the box at the right edge a Convert 101011012 to decimal b Convert 34910 to binary c Express the decimal value 245 in octal d Convert 354768 to both binary and hexadecimal 2 5 points Complete the truth table for the switch network shown below specifying the circuit output as 0 1 float or short for each input combination Then circle either YES or NO to answer the question below the truth table B B A B A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F F B Is this function fully complementary YES NO ECE 2030d Quiz 1 Name Spring 2011 Student Closed Book No Notes No Calculators 1 5 points Perform each of the following Write your answer in the box at the right edge a Convert 110110102 to decimal b Convert 37310 to binary c Express the decimal value 250 in octal d Convert 354768 to both binary and hexadecimal 2 5 points Complete the truth table for the switch network shown below specifying the circuit output as 0 1 float or short for each input combination Then circle either YES or NO to answer the question below the truth table A B 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 F A A B F A Is this function fully complementary YES NO ECE 2030d Quiz 1 SOLUTION Name Spring 2011 Student Closed Book No Notes No Calculators 1 5 points Perform each of the following Write your answer in the box at the right edge 17310 a Convert 101011012 to decimal 1010111012 b Convert 34910 to binary 3658 c Express the decimal value 245 in octal 0111011001111102 d Convert 354768 to both binary and hexadecimal 3B3E16 2 5 points Complete the truth table for the switch network shown below specifying the circuit output as 0 1 float or short for each input combination Then circle either YES or NO to answer the question below the truth table B B A B pu pd F 0 0 on off 1 0 1 on on short 1 0 on off 1 1 1 off on 0 A F B Is this function fully complementary YES NO ECE 2030d Quiz 1 SOLUTION Name Spring 2011 Student Closed Book No Notes No Calculators 1 5 points Perform each of the following Write your answer in the box at the right edge 21810 a Convert 110110102 to decimal 1011101012 b Convert 37310 to binary 3728 c Express the decimal value 250 in octal 0111011001111102 d Convert 354768 to both binary and hexadecimal 3B3E16 2 5 points Complete the truth table for the switch network shown below specifying the circuit output as 0 1 float or short for each input combination Then circle either YES or NO to answer the question below the truth table A B pu pd F 0 0 on off 1 0 1 off off float 1 0 on on short 1 1 on on short A A B F A Is this function fully complementary YES NO

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GT ECE 2030 - ECE 2030 Quiz

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