HW 5 Due Feb 11 2004 ECE2030a Name Bring this homework to class on Wednesday Feb 11 1 Write the following numbers as binary fractions with 4 fractional bits 0 0001 precision a 29 3 b 0 1223 2 Write the missing unsigned integer numbers in binary hex and decimal representations Decimal 299 Hex Binary 6B 10101101 131 A5 01010011 3 a Express or decode the following binary floating point numbers The fraction part mantissa should be normalized to five bit accuracy to 0 1xxxx where only the four bits xxxx are stored in memory but show all here The exponent should be a 5 bit number in 2 s compliment representation Decimal Number Sign Bit Mantissa fraction Exponent 2 125 0 0 10001 00010 1 0 10101 10101 56 0 0398 b How many bits of memory are required to store floating point numbers in this form c What is the precision to which a number can be stored accuracy in assume optimum rounding p 1 HW 5 Due Feb 11 2004 ECE2030a Name 4 Show how you would do the following calculations using 2 s complement 10 bit binary numbers when A 98 and B 205 Show the operations in binary and the results in binary and decimal Binary Decimal A 98 205 98 205 B A B A B B A A B p 2
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