UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 101 - Guided Reading Chapter 19

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Guided Reading Re read 13 5 and 13 6 pages 262 and 263 and read Chapter 19 pages 390 407 1 How are homologous structures used to organize the history of life into an evolutionary tree 2 Chordates evolved over time into craniates What are craniates and how do they differ from the chordates NOTE Choradates possess a dorsal hollow nerve cord a notochord strong flexible rod that runs most of the length of their body pharyngeal slits and a post anal tail For a picture refer to page 383 3 How are vertebrates different from craniates 4 Hagfish and lamphreys both lack jaws What anatomical feature distinguishes the lamphrey from the hagfish Note Hagfish exude an enormous amount of slime to defend themselves against predators and lamphreys use their tongues to penetrate the skin of their prey fish and feast on their blood and tissues yikes 5 The evolution of jaws led to new feeding opportunities in vertebrates How did the hinged jaw evolve 6 Approximately when did paired fins evolve 7 Which anatomical feature of the ray finned fish allows it to breathe without swimming 8 Life on land evolved from an ancestor that the lobe finned fish share with tetrapods What is a tetrapod 9 Of the five fossil found that have helped us understand how life adapted to land which was the most similar to modern tetrapods Why 10 Acanthostega is hypothesized to have lived in the water Why 11 What startling conclusion scientists come to upon the discovery of Acanthostega 12 Compare and contrast the eggs of amphibians and reptiles 13 Diagram and define the different parts of an amniotic egg 14 What features have modern birds evolved that make them well suited for flight 15 Reptiles are ectothermic while birds are endothermic What does this mean 16 What are the two distinguishing traits of mammals 17 What is a monotreme Do montremes exist today 18 What is a marsupial and how does it differ from a eutherian 19 Although humans never lived in trees the human body possesses many of the traits that evolved in our tree dwelling ancestors including both monkeys and apes How do monkeys differ from apes 20 What is a hominin 21 What are the two key differences between chimpanzees and humans 22 What evidence do scientists have that suggests hominins were a transitional species in human evolution

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UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 101 - Guided Reading Chapter 19

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