Midterm Exam 1 Review MAN3240 Gillian Vogel Book Organizational Behavior 5th Edition Angelo Kinicki and Mel Fugate Hawthorn Studies Interviews do not support initial conclusions about positive effect of supportive supervision Money fear of unemployment managerial discipline and high quality raw materials were responsible for high output Theory X and Theory Y Theory X assumptions pessimistic and negative typical of how managers traditionally perceived employees Theory Y believed managers could accomplish more through others by viewing them as self energized committed responsible and creative beings Contingency Approach to Management Using management concepts and techniques in a situationally appropriate manner instead of trying to rely on one best way Social Capital Organizational Culture Ethnocentrism The productive potential of strong trusting and cooperative relationships Set of shared taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives thinks about and reacts to its various environments Belief that one s native country culture language and behavior are superior to all others Global Mindset Requirements Intellectual Capital Psychological Capital Social Capital How Culture is Learned There are THREE phases to learning an organizational culture 1 Anticipatory Stage Occurs before the individual joins the organization Comes from information learned about careers occupations professions and organizations May come from many sources such as social media or current organization members 2 Encounter The employee learns what the company is REALLY like A lot of companies will use orientations and training programs such as Onboarding programs 3 Change and Acquisition Requires employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust to their work group s values and norms This only happens when employees know exactly what role they have in the company GLOBE Project Managerial Implications of Perception Attempt to develop an empirically based theory to describe understand and predict the impact of specific cultural variables on leadership and organizational processes and the effectiveness of these processes Nine different cultural dimensions from the GLOBE project 1 Power Distance 2 Uncertainty Avoidance Institutional Collectivism 3 4 In Group Collectivism 5 Gender Egalitarianism 6 Assertiveness 7 Future Orientation 8 Performance Orientation 9 Humane Orientation Kelley s Model of Attribution Behavior can be attributed either to a b External behavior within the environment such as a difficult task Internal factors within a person such as ability OR Consensus involves a comparison of an individual s behavior with that of his peers Distinctiveness involves comparing a person s behavior on one task with the behavior from other tasks Consistency determined by judging if the individual s performance on a given task is consistent over time Internal Locus of Control People who believe they control the events and consequences that affect their lives External Locus of Control Those who believe their performance is the product of circumstances beyond their immediate control Locus of Control Perceptual Error Halo A rater forms an overall impression about an object and then uses that impression to bias ratings about the object Leniency A personal characteristic that leads an individual to consistently evaluate other people or objects in an extremely positive fashion Central Tendency The tendency to avoid all extreme judgments and rate people and objects as average or neutral Recency Effects The tendency to remember recent information If negative view is negative of that object person Contrast Effects The tendency to evaluate people or objects by comparing them with characteristics of recently observed people or objects Types of Memory Three types 1 Event Memory Specific or general events 2 Semantic Memory General knowledge about the world 3 Person Memory Information about a single person or group of people Attribution Theory People attempt to infer causes for observed behavior Rightly or wrongly people constantly formulate cause and effect explanations for their own and others behaviors Big Five Traits Personality dimensions 1 Extraversion Outgoing talkative social assertive 2 Agreeableness Trusting good natured cooperative softhearted 3 Conscientiousness Dependable responsible achievement oriented 4 Emotional Stability Relaxed secure unworried 5 Openness to experience Intellectual imaginative curious broad minded psychological discomfort a person experiences what his or her attitudes or beliefs are incompatible with his or her behavior Cognitive Dissonance Intelligence 8 types Linguistic Potential to learn and use spoken and written languages Logical Mathematical Potential for deductive reasoning problem analysis and mathematical calculation Musical Potential to appreciate compose and perform music Bodily Kinesthetic Potential to use mind body to coordinate physical movement Spatial Potential to recognize and use patterns Interpersonal Potential to understand connect with and effectively work with others Naturalist Potential to live in harmony with one s environment Learned Helplessness The severely debilitating belief that one has no control over one s environment McClelland s Employee Needs Need for achievement Desire to accomplish something difficult Need for affiliation Spend more time maintaining social relationships joining groups and wanting to be loved Need for power Desire to Influence coach teach or encourage others to achieve Achievement motivated people share three common characteristics 1 Preference for working on tasks of moderate difficulty 2 Preference for situations in which performance is due to their efforts 3 Desire more feedback on their successes and failures Organizational Commitment reflects the extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals Motivation psychological processes cause the arousal direction and persistence of voluntary actions that are goal directed Types of Top Down Job Design Job Design any set of activities that involve the alteration of specific jobs or interdependent systems of jobs with the intent of improving the quality of employee job experience and their on the job productivity Top Down Approach that kind of management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truths gained through systematic observation experiment or reasoning
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