MAN 3240 EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE STUDY FOR EXAM CHAPTER 1 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR What Is Organizational Behavior o A field of study devoted to understanding explaining and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations Ex Think or the single best and worst coworkers you ve ever had What did he or she do that was so good bad o Organizational Behavior Focuses On 2 Individual Outcomes Job Performance 1 2 Organizational Commitment Does Organizational Behavior Matter o Do firms who do a good job managing OB concepts become more profitable as a result YES o The Resource Based View of the Firm Describes what exactly makes resources valuable or what makes them capable of creating long term profits for the firm A resource is more valuable when it is RARE Like Oil and Diamonds good people are also rare o Ex Talented motivated satisfied team players A resource is more valuable when it is INIMITABLE History People create a history pool of experience wisdom and knowledge than benefits the organization Numerous Small Decisions People make many small decisions day in and day out o Ex Location to put a retail store Product Segments Coca Cola Socially Complex Resources Culture teamwork trust and reputation o Not always clear how these develop Page 1 of 20 o The People of the Organization So What Makes Organizational Behavior So Hard The 1 8 Rule o of all organizations won t believe the connection o of the organizations that do believe in OB between how they manage their people and profits will only make 1 policy change when a more comprehensive o Only of the organizations that did try a policy change will persist with OB to the point of seeing plan is required economic benefits How Do We Know Things About Organizational Behavior o Method of Experience People hold firmly to some belief because it is consistent with their own o Method of Intuition People hold firmly to some belief because it just stands to reason it seems o Method of Authority People hold firmly to some belief because some respected official agency or experience and observations obvious or self evident source has said it is so o Method of Science People accept some belief because scientific studies have tended to replicate that result using a series of samples settings and methods More objective than the rest since based on data The Scientific Method o Theory A collection of assertions both verbal and symbolic that specify how and why variables are related as well as the conditions in which they should and should not be related o Hypothesis Written predictions that specify relationships between variables o Data The Correlation Perfect Positive Relationship 1 Perfect Negative Relationship 1 Strength of the correlation inferred from judging the compactness of a scatterplot of the X Y values More Compact Stronger Correlation Less Compact Weaker Correlation CORRELATION DOES NOT PROVE CAUSATION Proving Causation Requires Correlation Temporal precedence Elimination of alternative explanations o Verification Little can be learned from a single study so many studies are conducted and we use Meta Analysis Meta Analysis tales all of the correlations found in studies of a particular relationship and calculates a weighted average o Meta Analysis can form the foundation for Evidence Based Management a perspective that argues that scientific findings should form the foundation for management education Page 2 of 20 CHAPTER 2 JOB PERFORMANCE Job Performance The value of the set of behaviors that contribute either positively or negatively to organizational goal accomplishment o Not the consequences or results of behavior the behavior itself This is good because if you do your job right you won t be punished This is bad because people may say I did all I could do Task Performance o The behaviors directly involved in transforming organizational resources into the goods or services an organization produces i e the behaviors included in one s job description o Typically a mix of Routine Task Performance Adaptive Task Performance Creative Task Performance o How do we identify relevant behaviors Job analysis Ex A flight attendant must serve customers and help with storing bags Ex Flight attendants must assess and act in emergency situations Ex Southwest flight attendants are humorous Divide a job into major dimensions Use most frequent and important tasks to define task performance List 2 key tasks within each of those major dimensions Rate the tasks on frequency and importance Subject Matter Experts SME s perform job analysis They are experts in specific jobs and create job descriptions o This is very expensive for companies to do o Usually done every few years Although task performance behaviors vary across jobs all jobs contain two other performance dimensions Citizenship behavior Voluntary activities that may or may not be rewarded but that contribute to the organization by improving the quality of the setting where work occurs Page 3 of 20 Counterproductive behavior Employee behaviors that intentionally hinder organizational goal accomplishment o Research suggests that if you engage in one counterproductive behavior you are likely to do most of the others as well o Counterproductive behavior has a strong negative correlation with citizenship behavior but is only WEAKLY related to task performance Application o To manage job performance among employees Organizations use Management by Objectives MBO Evaluation by objectives met 360 degree feedback Evaluation by coworkers Social networking systems Facebook like reviews on the company s intranet Behaviorally anchored rating scales BARS Most often used Forced rankings Started General Electric by Jack Welch Breaks down employees in a normal distribution as The Top 20 The Vital 70 and the Bottom 10 o Problem A good employee may still be placed at the bottom compared to CHAPTER 3 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT others Organizational Commitment A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an organization o People most often leave a job o Comes in THREE forms because they dislike the organizations management 1 Affective Commitment A desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an organization because of an emotional attachment to or involvement in that organization You stay because you want to If you left you would feel sad o Erosion Model Employees with fewer bonds will be most likely to quit o Social Influence Model Employees who have direct
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