MAN3240 Exam 2 Study Guide This covers all of the questions he posted for the study guide I answered the questions and threw in some extra information where I thought it was useful using the videos online and the articles associated with the questions Good luck 1 We have talked a lot about bosses leaders In general why are supervisors important a To many employees they personify the organization e g they ARE the company b They are responsible for allocating rewards and dispensing punishment c They have input into promotion decisions d They are typically in charge of information sharing e In some ways they hold the keys to the kingdom f They are often seen a lot 2 As reported in the research how did abusive supervision affect employees depressed mood exhaustion and work generated conflict at home a Seventy five percent of working adults say the worst aspect of their job the most stressful aspect of their job is their immediate boss b a major cause of stress in modern life is bad management because stress negatively affects the immune system and health c The World Health Organization estimates that stress costs American businesses 300 billion per year due to rising insurance and health care costs according to Forbes d When people are stressed at work when their supervisors are really not supportive around work life issues we are seeing more negative health behaviors in the sense of poor food choices lower levels of exercise poor sleep hygiene e Lack of support or abusiveness of the supervisor can spill over into home life both in terms of the time and energy that it takes away from people but also if it affects their mood That can of course potentially affect the life of your family members i Examples of what makes them bad breaks promises makes negative comments to others expresses anger when mad for other reasons rudeness doesn t allow me to interact with others tells me I m incompetent lies to me ridicules tells me my thoughts and feelings are stupid silent treatment puts me down invades my privacy reminds me of my mistakes doesn t give credit blames me to save them f Synopsis of findings i 31 of respondents reported that their supervisor gave them the silent treatment ii 37 of respondents reported that their supervisor failed to give credit when due iii 39 of respondents noted that their supervisor failed to keep promises iv 27 of respondents noted that their supervisor made negative comments about them to others v 24 of respondents reported that their supervisor invaded their privacy vi 23 of respondents indicated that their supervisor blamed others to cover up mistakes to minimize embarrassment g Employees with bad bosses i were roughly twice as likely to suffer from depressed mood i e blues having trouble getting going sadness and helplessness at work reported exhaustion levels i e tired weary and worn out approximately 33 higher reported 50 more work generated home conflict i e can t get things done at home not enough time and edginess reported levels of negative emotions i e irritable hostile guilty at a level 25 higher reported 33 more work related sleep disorders ii iii iv v h Not all managers are bad although some are Not all employees are bad although some are But there is often a disconnect between the two that affects profitability group performance job satisfaction turnover conflict health and well being and commitment Bad supervisor subordinate relationship predicts bad things 3 How does a bad boss potentially hurt a worker s career a The least effective bosses supervise the most miserable employees They can lead to low morale high turnover lower productivity marginalized customer experiences etc b They can also impact the individual on the way that person deals with their family and their physical health an increased risk of heart disease and a decrease in the quality of relationships you have with loved ones if you don t like your boss c A bad boss can also impact your career by changing your outlook in the office An example covered in the article was a bad boss that shoots the messenger can lead you to keeping your head down covering up mistakes and never speaking up In addition this article covers positive things that can come from a bad boss Although there is little research done in this field it mentions people trying to achieve great things in spite of their boss Some said this can lead you to motivate and lead yourself and decide what is important for you and your career It may also make you more accountable for your work and think before you speak d 4 What are the factors that have caused leaders to be less effective than in the past Ugh he s mentioned in this article Chicago and everything a b He says that often bosses haven t been trained to manage people Sometimes they are given the employee manual and facts concerning policies such as vacation days c The article claims that a lot of bosses don t have much to work with claiming that there are many reasons that employees aren t as great as they used to be 5 What can a Baby Boomer do when he she has a Gen Y Boss How can one look successful a Some baby boomers think a millennial doesn t know enough to be in a position of when in this situation authority b if you re a baby boomer with a Generation Y manager remember that they re more receptive to your input if it s framed as an innovative idea not a condescending complaint A good millennial boss is coachable You don t have to tell them You don t know what you re doing Instead find an artful way to encourage them to draw from the experiences that you yourself have had Try saying When I ve done things this way I ve been successful c 6 According to the video that links bad supervisor with potentially lousy heart health what are characteristics of bosses who are more likely to inflict strain What were some suggested remedies from Dr Stork a Characteristics of this type of boss include bad communication they don t give enough control to their employees they don t set good goals Employees are confused and they aren t managed very well Your risk of heart attack increases as you have a bad boss for longer b You can t control what people do to you but you can control how you react to it Take whatever steps you can to improve this relationship Take time every day to relax as to give your heart time to stop reacting to all the stress Keep making healthy food choices and stay active to help reduce stress 7 Know the positive and negative attributes associated with Gen
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