Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter1 to 7 CHAPTER 1 Aesthetic perceptions o Light o Color o Space o Time Motion o Sound CHAPTER 2 Light purpose color temperature vs color energy Light purpose to manipulate and articulate our perception of the environment Color Temperature o Sunlight Blue o Artificial Light Orange o Fluorescents Green Color Energy the aesthetic impact of color dependent on the 3 aesthetic perception factors hue saturation brightness Shadows attached vs cast Attached fixed shadow on an object on the opposite side of the principal light source reveals the basic form of the object Cast independent of the object AKA may be connected to the object or disconnected tells where the object is in relation to its surroundings Falloff fast and slow Fast falloff the illuminated side and the shadow side have a great brightness contrast and that the change from light to shadow is abrupt Slow falloff the illuminated side and the shadow side have very little brightness contrast or that the change from light to shadow area is gradual Outer orientation tactile spatial time seasons Tactile the fast falloff lighting is employed to reveal and emphasize the object s surface texture and that slow or no falloff lighting is used to reduce or eliminate texture Spatial to reveal the basic shape of the object and its location Time achieved primarily by controlling the relative brightness of the background and the length and the angle of cast shadows o Daylight light background Nighttime dark background o Early morning late afternoon long cast shadows High noon short shadows Seasons winter sun is weaker and more blueish cast shadows are longer Inner orientation above below eye level key lighting predictive lighting as dramatic agent Above eye level key lighting lighting is placed in the center of the face places attached shadow in a normal position Below eye level key lighting lighting is placed below position reverses them vertically into an abnormal position o Such a reversal translates into surprise suspicion or fear Predictive lighting a lighting change that foreshadows an upcoming event o Drastic lighting changes AKA high key to low key from above eye to below lighting moving light source like a watchman s flashlight Light and lighting instruments can be used as dramatic agents the light is used directly as an aesthetic intensifier o Flashing lights at a rock concert or police car CHAPTER 3 Softlight floodlight spotlight Softlight produces a diffused area of light creating subtle shadows and slow falloff Lights a wide area but the area can t be easily controlled Spotlight directional light that can be controlled Have two settings to control area and intensity of light output o Spot When beam is at its narrowest and most intense position o Flood When beam is at its widest and least intense more like a soft light Triangle three point lighting know the lights and expanded lighting system Triangle lighting the standard photographic lighting technique o Key light principle light source o Back light behind the subject separates subject from background o Fill light opposite the camera from the key controls fall off Expanded lighting setup there are three additional light sources o Side light directional light coming from the side an additional fill light o Kicker comes from the back from below and off to one side o Background light set light illuminates the background Chiaroscuro types cameo Rembrandt differences Chiaroscuro emphasizes contrasting light and shadow areas and has fast falloff illuminates only the subject with the background remaining totally dark o Cameo and extremely fast fall off illumination to set off the contour and highlight o Rebrandt Flat lighting Film noir silhouette only specific areas are carefully illuminated and careful background Flat lighting slow falloff and the shadows are highly transparent or simply not perceivable by the camera o Normally high key implying high energy efficiency and cleanliness but also mechanization and depersonalization Film nior a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas particularly such that emphasize cynical attitudes and sexual motivations Uses a lot of silhouette lighting Silhouette hybrid of chiaroscuro and flat lighting the opposite of cameo unlighted figures against bright backgrounds Single vs multiple camera lighting Single camera lighting film video each scene or shot is set up and lighted separately and lighting control is very high Multi camera lighting continuous action interviews game shows talk shows lighting instruments are suspended from the studio ceiling with only a minimum of instruments on the floor CHAPTER 4 Color what is it How is it measured Color is the property of light When white light sunlight is divided by a prism we the spectral or rainbow colors Objects don t possess colors they merely reflect back the colored light frequencies they re unable to absorb Hue saturation desaturation chroma Hue describes the color itself whether the object is blue red green or yellow Saturation desaturation describes the color s richness or strength o Chroma o Achromatic another term for saturation Greek word for color white black and grey have no chroma Brightness indicates the amount of reflected light or how light or dark a color would appear in a black and white photograph Additive color and subtractive color Additive color refers to the adding of the three light primaries red green blue RGB o By adding these colored lights in various intensities we can achieve a great variety of hues white o By mixing two additive we get subtractive colors mic all three and you get Subtractive color refers to subtracting from white light all colors except the one in display The object absorbs all frequencies except the one that produces the color you see on the object o The three primaries cyan magenta and yellow o Mix two of these and you get an additive color mix all three and you Artifacts moire effects get black Artifacts color vibrations caused by narrow highly concentrated patterns Moire effects caused when the scanning frequency competes with the light dark contrast of the pattern pulsating color vibrations Color energy expressive functions Color energy the relative aesthetic impact a color has on us It depends on its hue saturation the most important factor and brightness attributes the size of the colors area and the relative contrast between foreground and background o High saturation high energy low
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