Final Exam Study Guide Chapter 13 Motion Film motion Film frame basic structural unit of a film It is an illusion Shows an object at rest regardless of whether it was in motion when it was shot Frames per second FPS 24 frames per second played back at high speed Eadward Muybridge first to use make motion come to life with multiple frames per second Horse Photos Persistence of Vision the theory that when we look at an image an afterimage persists in our retinas for 1 25th of a second Phi Phenomenon our perception of continuous movement when actually seeing separate objects move o In combination with persistence of vision why we see motion in film projection Video Motion created by constantly moving electron beams that scan dots on your TV Scanning interlaced progressive Interlaced of the even lines are scanned Our eyes see as one image all of the odd lines of a frame are scanned at once then all o Reduces flicker uses less bandwidth Progressive each line is scanned one at a time from top to bottom o Sharper better motion Frames of reference whenever you see motion you automatically judge the direction of the vector and its relative speed Figure ground principle ground is made up of stable objects as compared to the less stable moving figure Figure ground reversal roles switch the ground becomes the figure and the figure becomes the ground o VIDEO EXAMPLE Dr No car scene Perceived speed how fast or slowly we sense something to move on screen Object speed how fast the object was actually traveling when recorded Blocking the camera placement in relation to the event or moving object Focal length of the lens a specific zoom position Slow motion can give a close up in time effect and prolong duration High frame density the more frames that are taken the slower the object will appear to move Effect on gravity affects our perception of gravity Accelerated motion can rush us through time and speed up the present o VIDEO EXAMPLE nyc time lapse accelerated motion Low frame density the less frames that are take the faster the object will appear to move Faster than normal Erratic and jumpy Comedic Freeze frame picks a specific position and repeats it for the duration of the freeze Has the lowest frame density o VIDEO EXAMPLE Rocky III Synthetic motion motion on screen is genetically generated each frame must be created digitally In animation was done by drawing each frame Chapter 14 Timing and principal motions What is timing Objective time total running time of the entire film or show running time of sequences and of scenes Subjective time not actual clock time that the show takes but the passage of time that the viewer feels Clock time a precise amount of measured time This exists in real life or on fictional TV Running time the length of a program Sequence time how long several related scenes run when added together running time of sequence A subdivision of running time Scene time running time of a scene Shot time running time of a shot Story time the objective time span of a screen event the amount of clock time we are supposed to understand has passed during the screen event o VIDEO EXAMPLE Snooze time story time was over a lifetime Real time when the story time and running time are the same length but ends at hour 24 EX live broadcasts Pace perceived speed of the event Can be manipulated by high or low density slow and accelerated motion can also change within a scene o VIDEO EXAMPLE Agents of S H I E L D pace goes from normal to slow can show how character experiences moment Rhythm the flow within and among segments Determined by the pace of individual shots scenes and sequences in combination with each other Plot time How long a screen event plot is supposed to take place based on clock time and how long it feels like its taking Character time how long a character is supposed to be experiencing and the time he she feels the duration of the activity is Primary motion event motion that occurs in front of the camera performers vehicles any action at all Secondary motion camera motions pan tilt pedestal boom dolly truck arc and zoom Tertiary motion sequence motion created by shot changes or transitions cut dissolve fade wipe Reasons to move the camera To follow action keep performers in shot To reveal action gradually or all at one or reveal something that will surprise a character To reveal a landscape To relate events motions extensively To induce action o Director Paul Thomas Anderson uses swish pans quick camera Camera movements those listed under secondary motion Zoom v Dolly For zoom only lens parts are moving perceived as camera motion Dolly entire camera moves closer to or father away from the subject Dolly is much less distracting than zoom in dolly approximates a human movement Cut instantaneous change from one image to another one shot followed by another Jump Cut when a subsequent shot is not sufficiently different in field or angle of view and the image seems to jump position on the screen Dissolve gradual transition from shot to shot Fade gradual transition to black fade out or from black fade in Wipe a new image seems to push an old one off the screen o Often used in Star Wars Chapter 15 16 Sound Noise v sound Noise is random Sound has a purpose it is organized Television video v film Sound is an integral part of video dialogue sound effects music ambient noises In film sound is developed post production has become a vital visual medium In TV sound is a primary communication factor All TV events happen within a specific sound environment and the sounds lend authenticity Diegesis the narrative world of a film speech sound effects come from sound producing source Source connected sounds on screen Source disconnected sounds off screen Nonliteral sound sounds that are a part of the story but not noticed by character o VIDEO EXAMPLE Stranger than Fiction clip 1 nonliteral sound not noticed by character doesn t have a source within a story Stranger than Fiction clip 2 sound becomes literal Functions of sound Information function to communicate specific information verbally through dialogue direct address or narration Dialogue a conversation between two or more people or a character with themselves internal dialogue o VIDEO EXAMPLE Samurai cop terrible dialogue Direct address the performer speaks directly to the audience from his or her screen position o VIDEO EXAMPLE Saved by the Bell and House of Cards Narration describes an event or bridges various gaps in the continuity of a
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