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Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 to 7 RTV 3001 Aesthetic perceptions Aesthetics is a study of visual and auditory perceptions and how these perceptions can be most effectively clarified intensified and interpreted through television and film Applied Media Aesthetics A process in which we examine a number of media elements such as lighting and sound how they interact and our perceptual reactions to them Selective perception An automatic reduction of unnecessary details during the perception process Selective seeing Our tendency to see or hear only the things that we are interested in or that confirm our expectations and prejudices Light Radiant energy that behaves commonly as electromagnetic waves The purpose of light is to manipulate and articulate our perception of the environment It orients us in space shadows and time Light Color temperature o Sunlight Blue o Artificial Light Orange o Fluorescents Green Color energy The aesthetic impact a color has on us Attached Shadow is fixed to an object They are created from absence of light on part of an object o Attached shadows help us interpret the basic shape and texture of an object o No amount of moving or wiggling will remove the shadow from the object same lighting conditions Cast Shadow Help us locate the object relative to its surroundings provide drama tell a story o It can be independent of the object causing the shadow or connected to it Falloff is the change from light to shadow o Fast Falloff when the shadow on one side is more profound o Slow Falloff slow change from light to dark Outer orientation Lighting that gives us clues that help us identify the exterior visible characteristics of the objects and environments we see on screen 1 Time orients us to the time of day time of year etc Daytime high key lighting and Night time low key lighting 2 Tactile orients us with the texture of the object Appeals to our sense of touch 3 Spatial orients us in a particular space and shows us where it is is in the environment 4 Seasons Winter is less direct than summer sunlight but shadows are longer Inner orientation Lighting can be used to articulate feeling and emotion set mood foreshadow events or create drama establishes mood and atmosphere Above below eye level key lighting it sets the mood Above eye lighting normal lighting Below eye lighting under lighting shows us surprise suspicion or fear Predictive lighting Helps to preview an event for the audience and gives us a clue as to what s coming Lighting Instruments as Dramatic Agents flashing lights In some cases the light source itself is shown to create an aesthetic intensifier in the scene Softlight produces a diffused area of light creating subtle shadows and slow falloff Uses Interviews for an upbeat look where sharp shadows are distracting Floodlight Spotlight directional light that can be controlled gives more dimension and more control of area that is lit Triangle three point lighting Triangular arrangement of key back and fill lights The Photographic Principle you use for something for equal on all sides it controls the shadow 3 Lights Key Light provides the main light source of illumination It should be directed towards the subject Placed on a 45 angle off the axis between the camera and the person the brightest picture Fill Light used to add light to the side opposite the key light Reduces the shadows caused by the key light Half the intensity of the key light semi dark picture Back Light Rim light used to create the illusion of depth by separating the subject from background Light shines directly on the talent s shoulder Creates depth Expanded Light system Kicker placed below and behind off to one side provides further separation from background shows background Side light comes directly from the side another source of illumination that reduces falloff Background light also called set light illuminates background extension of back light Chiaroscuro Lighting that emphasizes contrast between light and dark Cameo Illumination of the foreground background is dark Very dark shadows Rembrandt main light is coming from background and theres no shadows The major characteristic is selectivity fairly fast falloff enough fill light to render attached shadows Flat lighting Lighting that de emphasizes light dark contrast Thematic and suggests emotional functions and efficiency cleanliness trust an upbeat feeling and fun the type of lighting they use on the news Film noir Employs a certain style of lighting usually chiaroscuro They have a morally ambiguous antihero a femme fatale and usually focus on crime Silhouette Characteristics of both chiaroscuro and flat lighting BUT Opposite of cameo It Emphasizes contour over texture and volume The background is well lit and figures remain unlit Single Camera Lighting o Film lighting or film style lighting o Mostly used for films for short scenes o Intended for short duration action o Each scene and even each shot in a film may be lit independently and lighting control is extremely high o Ex Most movies the office parks and rec Multiple camera lighting than single camera lighting o Less precise o Accommodates multiple camera angles and long duration action o Suited for game shows sitcoms talk shows or actors in studio dramas o Lighting instruments are usually suspended from a grid on the ceiling to allow for camera and human traffic below o Ex game shows Seinfeld jeopardy each character needs to be lit up Color is a property of light not material not objects or liquids o Made up of wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum the waves are not colored they reach our eye and we perceive them as color with rods and cones o Measured in Wavelengths in nanometers o 3 color attributes for color energy hue saturation brightness Hue the color you see itself 4 hues red green blue yellow Saturation chroma The relative strength or purity of a color o It represents the amount of white light or white gray or black paint mixed into hue o High saturated o Low saturation colors are rich gives a washed out look Desaturation it leads to the colors to black white and gray very gray scale o Desaturation can happen by adding white to the image tint adding black to the image shade or adding grey to the image tone Brightness how light or dark a color is Additive color mixing color through light adding o Primary colors red green blue When all mixed you get white o Video screen display color through additive mixing Subtractive color mixing color through material like

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FSU RTV 3001 - Aesthetic perceptions

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