Organizational Behavior Exam 2 Spring 2015 Dr Hochwarter 1 Describe the barriers that exist for fathers wishing to take paternity or parental leave In general people believe that this is frowned upon even though the company might employ policies that allow it to take place Society views women as the primary care giver Paying fathers while they were not working Heavy workloads The expectations of co workers or team members Time of year based on industry for example Accounting The difficulty of determining primary and secondary caregiver roles Job responsibilities and the roles they entail 1 2 Know the Fathers Conflicted about Time Spent with Children slide Percentage of mothers or fathers saying they spend time with their children Mothers Fathers Too little 23 Right amount 68 Too much 8 Too little 46 Right amount 50 Too much 3 2 3 What are the basics of the Two Income Trap as shown in the slides Two income families are almost always worse off than their single income counterparts were a generation ago even though they earn 75 more income Why Since 1950 many fixed costs have risen such as Healthcare up 1 665 Childcare up 102 Finding a good home new home prices up 215 School up 665 4 What are the current statistics as related to the Middle Class Specifically how many people are in it What is the level of income to be included and how hard is it perceived to stay in it How many people are in the middle class 51 of Americans make up the middle class and take in 45 of the nations income What is the level of income Estimated level of income for a middle class family of four 68 274 How hard is staying in the middle class perceived to be 85 of Americans who describe themselves as middle class say it s more difficult now than it was a decade ago to stay in it 5 What are the consequences of guilt See Miami Herald article Health problems Backaches Headaches Work problems Inability to concentrate or problem solve Less job satisfaction Home problems Strained relationships Can lead to drug use such as anti anxiety pills 6 What are the report highlights as related to costs of millennials leaving and why millennials stay and leave http millennialbranding com 2013 cost millennial retention study Costs of Millennials Leaving Most companies 87 report that the cost of each millennial to be replaced is around 15 000 25 000 Why Millennials Stay The company was a good cultural fit Why Millennials Leave Received a better offer from another company 30 Career goals aren t aligned to their company 27 Lack of career opportunities 13 7 Steps for dealing with being ultraconnected include Communication managements and employees need to discuss what communication is appropriate after hours Discuss expectations policies with after work hours Share the load know your colleagues and build strong relationships with them to lighten burden 8 How do men and women think differently as outlined in this article What about the ability to draw boundaries between work and home life http psychcentral com news 2013 08 12 working moms stress over family matters 58345 html Ways men and women think differently Mothers are more concerned and worry about family matters more than fathers leads Mothers seek to meet societal expectations of being household managers leading to Fathers spend a greater amount of mental labor thinking about work but are less Mothers are more likely to adjust work schedules to meet family demands to stress addressing the less pleasant aspects of family care likely to have those work related thoughts spill over to family matters Drawing boundaries between work and home life Fathers are better at leaving work concerns behind and making boundaries between work and home 9 How do the four generations differ in terms of the messages that motivate at work see slide Traditionalists Want their actions to connect with the good of the company sense of self worth good of the company build a perfect personal legacy Baby Boomers Need to see how their actions make a difference sense of achievement increased salary build a perfect career X Gen Need flexibility to get job done on their schedule sense of security work to live build a transferable career Millennials Connect responsibility to personal goals sense of greater good personal relationships build parallel careers 10 Know the most common ways that U S Millennials and U S Non Millennials describe this generation see picture How do both groups describe this generation U S Millennials Tech savvy number 1 response Lazy Hip Hippies Young Cool Innovative U S Non Millennials Lazy number 1 response Spoiled Young Entitled Smart Tech savvy Loyal to their employers largest disparity People savvy Tech savvy Millennials say 65 HR professionals say 14 Millennials say 35 HR professionals say 86 Millennials say 82 HR professionals say 1 Millennials say 14 HR professionals say 39 Millennials say 86 HR professionals say 11 Fun loving Hard working 11 Understand the major differences in the Bucking the Stereotype discussion of Millennials How Millennials describe themselves vs How HR Professionals describe Millennials 12 What factors have led to an increase in helicopter parenting http www cnn com 2013 07 02 living cnn parents helicopter parenting job search Factors that have led to an increase in Helicopter Parenting Feeling of guilt parents think they have short changed their children they ve had full time careers and think they never spent enough time with their children as they grew up Children have become an emblem of their parent s success child s resume is extension of parents 24 7 connectivity makes it easier for kids and parents to trade resumes job listings Increasing sign of influence on the middle class parents focus less on their own day to day economic struggles and focus on their children s day to day lives and HR contacts 13 Be able to discuss the reasons that millennials are more interested in working for themselves http www fastcompany com 3034268 the future of work why millennials want to work for themselves Millennials value freedom and work life balance self importance self esteem and narcissism are rising and starting your own business is a great way to avoid a bad boss They underestimate the difficulties associated with entrepreneurship millennials overestimate their abilities and talents Tech giants are seen as greedy corporate and non creative and no longer an appealing employment prospect millennials are looking for innovative successful non constraining
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