Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 Applied Media Aesthetics Define media aesthetics The study of visual and auditory perceptions and how these perceptions can be clarified intensified and interpreted through media Why do we study media aesthetics It is a process in which we examine a number of media elements because it is a media driven world The web and other media channels are essential elements in our communication system so you must be able to communicate efficiently By studying it you will understand how it is made even if you re not making it What are the six media elements covered in this class Light Color 2 Dimensional Space 3 Dimensional Space Time Motion Sound Who is Stuart Hall and what did he contribute to the literature of communication that applies to this class Is an academic associated with Encoding and Decoding in the Television Discourse Hall essentially empowered the audience He said the audience has an important roll of how media is perceived Our backgrounds and experiences shape the way we see things Who is Marshall McLuhan and what did he contribute to the literature of communication that applies to this class He stated the medium is the message The medium such as TV or film doesn t just distribute the message but it also shapes it How is applied media aesthetics different from normal studies of aesthetics Considers art and life mutually dependent and essentially interconnected Art shapes our day to day experiences architecture fashion music television and events Why is context important to consider in media aesthetics Context is the environment in which we see and evaluate things it is the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event or situation All aesthetic elements operate within and are dependent on the context of all others Define aesthetic context contextualistic aesthetics How the fundamental aesthetic elements light color space time motion and sound operate in various contexts and in relation to one another Why is perception important to consider in media aesthetics We all seek out media and information differently based on our beliefs and attitudes Not everyone is going to agree on the same things Therefor media needs to cater to many different viewpoints ex CNN is geared more towards liberals while FOX is more conservative With practice we can guide what viewer s see through the ways that we capture edit and contextualize the media Define selective perception An automatic reduction of unnecessary details in our daily lives Define selective seeing A tendency to see only the things we are interested in or agree with Chapter 2 The First Aesthetic Field Light What is the nature of light Light is an energy form of radiant energy that behaves commonly as electromagnetic waves Light will behave as a particle as long as you are watching it the second you turn away it turns into a wavelength Different wavelengths are different colors Light is a spectrum of color 3 Types of light Blue Sunlight Orange Artificial Light Green Fluorescents What are the purposes and functions of light in general Light is essential for life It lets us see the world we live in In media what does light have to do Light has to show you where things are in the scene give you information and textures and primarily show your subjects Give context to space Provide distinction between 2 and 3 dimensional space In media what can light do Light can affect you emotionally and tell a story if used correctly In film or television light and shadows can be manipulated to communicate a message Understand the importance of lighting choices in media Lighting plays a big role in creating moods or giving off emotions It can convey various different messages In a comedy scene the set would be brightly lit with flat lighting so you can see everything going on A romantic setting would be more dimly light possibly with low key lighting Define cast shadows Cast shadows are what you think of when you hear the word shadow They are attached to our feet independent of the object They tell us the time of day depending on where the sun sits in the sky Judge space Break up large screen space Cast shadows often give off an eerie feeling in movies long and ominous Define attached shadows core shadow Attached shadows are fixed to an object ex dark side of the moon They are created from an absence of light Attached shadows give us basic shapes and textures What is falloff Falloff is the change from light to shadow Falloff is the movement from exposed lit areas to shadows Falloff is all about contrast difference between light and dark areas Explain the difference between fast and slow falloff Slow falloff is the gradual change not as harsh Fast falloff is a dark contrast between what is lit and what is not It is an abrupt change Both are typically made with fill lighting How is falloff controlled Falloff is controlled by the amount of fill light you use and how you manipulate it Distinguish between outer and inner orientation as it applies to light Outer orientation gives us clues to identify the exterior and the characteristics of what we see on the screen Plays a big factor in screen space Seasons are also a part of outer orientation Inner orientation sets various moods Above eye level key lighting is considered normal Inverted shadows under eye level are creepy and unnatural Name and understand the types of outer orientation There are 3 types of Outer Orientation o Time helps with what time of day it is o Tactile defines textures o Spatial helps us perceive the space Compare high key and low key lighting High key lighting is a lot of ambient lighting in the room Used for sitcoms sports and news There are no shadows and no emotion usually slow falloff and a lit background Low key lighting is where you find shadows usually fast falloff and dark scenes Which position above below or at eye level is considered normal Above eye level is normal lighting We believe this because the sun shines down from above our heads Describe the purposes of below eye level lighting modeling It is most commonly used to disorientate the audience and make them feel uncomfortable Often used in sci fi thrillers and horror films Below eye level lighting translates into surprise suspicion or fear depending on context What is the purpose of predictive lighting Predictive lighting is used to let you know what is going on or about to happen in a scene cop car coming Chapter 3 Structuring the First Aesthetic Field Lighting Be able
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