1 What is a risk factor What s the difference between a modifiable and non Nutrition and Health Promotion modifiable risk factor a A factor that increases the probability of developing a disease or health problem 2 What are the levels of disease prevention a Primary prevention of disease symptoms b Secondary early detection diagnosis intervention Screening c Tertiary treating rehabilitating diagnosed patients to delay further disease progression 3 What is food security What types of factors determine whether someone is food secure or not a Food security means access by all members at all times to enough food for an active healthy life a Ready availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods b Acquire food in socially acceptable ways b 18 question survey a Measures anxiety about food b Measures along a continuum i Food secure ii iii High and very high food insecure Food insecure 4 What is metabolic syndrome a Metabolic syndrome is a collection of symptoms that can lead to diabetes and heart disease b Metabolic syndrome is not a disease in itself Instead it s a group of risk factors c Risk Factors i Abdominal Obesity Waist Circumference ii Elevated Triglycerides iii Low HDL cholesterol iv High Blood pressure v Elevated Fasting glucose 5 What are the benefits provided by the School Lunch Program What are the nutritional requirements for meals provided by the School Lunch Program Do the meals provided generally meet these guidelines a Free lunches to children in households with incomes at or below 130 percent of poverty b Reduced price lunches to children in households with incomes between 130 and 185 percent of poverty c The cost to USDA of providing lunches and snacks was 8 2 billion d Provides free or reduced price lunches Must provide 1 3rd of RDA for protein e Calcium iron and vitamins A and C f No more than 30 percent of the meal s calories can come from fat and no more than 10 percent can come from saturated fat 6 Who is served by the WIC program What benefits are provided What are some of the beneficial outcomes of the WIC program c Only about 2 3 of those eligible participate due to funding restriction d Effects 7 What benefits are provided by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program food stamps What can a person purchase with these benefits What can t they purchase with thesebenefits a Provides b Participants i Supplemental food ii iii Nutrition education Referrals to health care service Pregnant and lactating women Infants 0 12 months i ii iii Children 1 5 years i ii iii iv Improved diets Improved health Fewer lower birth weight babies Less Fe deficiency anemia Includes nutrition education component a Largest food assistance program b Electronic Benefits Transfer EBT c d Allows people to purchase i Breads and cereals ii Fruits and vegetables iii Meats fish and poultry iv Dairy products v Seeds and plants e Doesn t allow i Beer wine liquor cigarettes or tobacco ii Any nonfood items such as pet foods soap paper products and household supplies iii Vitamins and medicines iv Food that will be eaten in the store v Hot foods prepared foods 8 What are some issues related to the nutrition environment in our schools a Not enough vitamins and minerals b Too much fat calories saturated fat 9 What is the difference between an entitlement and a non entitlement federal program Which of the programs that we discussed fall under each category a Entitlement programs Persons qualify because meet eligibility requirements i Mandatory funds b Non entitlement programs Limited by spending caps i Discretionary funds Diet and Human Diseases 1 What are human chronic diseases Recurring condition a Persistent long term condition b c Require a long term and systematic approach to treatment d Cardiovascular disease hypertension cancer diabetes osteoporosis e Prevented or delayed with changes of diet and lifestyle patterns 2 What are the leading causes of death in the US a Heart disease b Caners c Strokes d Chronic lung disease e Accidents f Alzheimer s g Diabetes h Pneumonia and influenza i Kidney disease j Infections of the blood a Cardiovascular Disease i Modifiable 3 What are the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and hypertension 1 Elevated blood LDL cholesterol and consumption of cholesterol trans fat 2 Hypertension 3 Diabetes 4 Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome 5 Cigarette Smoking passive smoking 6 Physical inactivity ii Non modifiable 1 Family history of CVD 2 Age gender men 45 women 55 c Hypertension a Modifiable i Excess consumption of sodium ii Low potassium and magnesium iii Overweight iv Exercise v Alcohol consumption i Ages ii Family history of hypertension iii African American ancestry b Non modifiable 1 What are the blood cholesterol concentrations and blood pressure in a healthy and unhealthy person a Blood cholesterol i Healthy ii Unhealthy b Blood pressure i Healthy ii Unhealthy i 200 i 240 i 120 80 i 140 90 2 Describe the mechanisms of atherosclerosis a Root of most CDV diseases b Hardening of the arteries c Normal fatty streak plaque lipid core thrombus atherosclerosis 3 What is cancer Explain the carcinogenic process a Human disease where abnormal cells divide without control b They can invade other tissues c There are over 100 different forms of cancer d Carcinogenic process i Normal cells initiation a carcinogen enters a normal cell and alters the cells DNA introducing abnormal cell division promotion promoters enhance the development of abnormal cells resulting in formation of a tumor progression further tumor development cancerous tumor releases cells into the bloodstream or lymph system Initiation transformation of the cell ii iii Promotion cells multiply to form a tumor iv Progression leads to a malignant cancer 4 What are the nutritional strategies to prevent cardiovascular disease hypertension and cancer a Cardiovascular disease i Limit consumption of fat ii Hypertension Limit salt intake iii Control diabetes iv Keep your weight normal v Don t smoke vi Exercise vii Relax viii Have your blood cholesterol glucose and blood pressure checked regularly b Hypertension i Reduce sodium 2300 mg day ii iii Following a healthy eating pattern Increase potassium iv More vegetable fruitsDASH diet v Maintaining a healthy weight vi Physically active vii Limiting Alcohol viii Quitting Smoking c Cancer i ACS guidelines 1 Achieve maintain a healthy weight throughout life 2 Be physically active 3 Eat a healthy diet with an emphasis on plant foods 4 If you drink alcohol limit your
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