MAN3240 Organizational Behavior Final Exam Study Guide Chapters 9 15 PART 1 Multiple choice Questions are worth 2 points each There are 50 MC questions on the exam Chapter 9 Effective Groups and Teams Formal group page 227 A group is considered a formal group if it is formed by a manager to accomplish goals ex work group committee task force Tuckman s Group Development Process page 228 Tuckman said there are 5 stages to group development Think of it as the life cycle of a typical group i Forming ii Storming iii Norming iv Performing v Adjourning i i i i i Group is new group is uncertain of who will be leader Mutual trust is low sort of an ice breaking stage Time of testing Individuals test the leader s policies Team spirit develops Groups develop group cohesiveness Groups are focused on solving problems and tasks Lots of cooperation and communication The work is done Time to move on to other things Team Roles page 235 A team is a small group with complementary skills who hold themselves mutually ac countable for common purpose goals and approach A group becomes a team when Leadership becomes a shared activity Members are held accountable by each other The group develops a mission or purpose Problem solving becomes common Effectiveness is measured Team Building page 237 Team building is a host of techniques aimed at improving internal functioning of work groups Pretty straightforward Self Managed Teams page 240 Self managed teams are groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains In other words they work as their own supervisor Chapter 10 Rational Model of Decision Making page 252 The Rational Model says that managers use a rational 4 step sequence Identify the problem i ii Generate alternative solutions iii Evaluate alternatives select a solution iv Implement the solution Optimizing page 254 Solving problems by producing the best possible solution Satisficing page 255 enough to get buy Choosing a solution that meets some minimum qualification It s basically doing just Garbage Can Model of Decision Making page 255 The garbage can model is the opposite of the rational model Decisions making is not made by following a set of logical steps Decisions are made by what s available at the time Decisions are made by any combination of the following problems solution partic ipants and choice opportunities Perception Biases Similar to judgement heuristics There are 8 types page 258 Availability heuristic Representativeness bias Confirmation bias your decision Anchoring bias Overconfidence bias Hindsight bias tendency to base decisions on what has happened recently tendency to choosing something based on similar choices Deciding before even investigating then finding information that backs tendency to be influenced by the first information received tendency to be overconfident about estimates or forecasts tendency to think that we could have predicted something before it hap pened ex BP oil spill Framing bias Escalation of commitment bias framing something in a way to make it sound more appealing tendency to stick to a decision even if it is ineffective Judgment Heuristics rules of thumb or shortcuts that people use to reduce information processing details ex saying all blondes are dumb Evidence based Decision Making page 260 A process of conscientiously using the best available data and evidence when making managerial decisions Ch 11 Conflict page 286 process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by the other party Personality conflict page 290 interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike and or disagreement Managers and Intergroup conflict page 292 Conflict among work groups teams and departments It is up to the manager to make decisions to reduce intergoup conflict Devil s Advocacy page 297 when someone is assigned to be the critic of a project or decision Alternative Dispute Resolution page 300 an approach that uses faster more user friendly methods of dispute resolution instead of traditional adversarial approaches Can be any of the following techniques Facilitation A third party urges disputing parties to deal directly with each other in a positive manner Concilation A third party acts as a communication conduit between disputing parties Peer review A third party hears both sides of the dispute and makes a decision Ombudsman A third party hears grievances of both sides of the dispute and attempts to arrange a solution Mediation A mediator actively guides the disputing parties and attempts find a solution Arbitration Disputing parties agree ahead of time to accept the decision of a neutral ar bitrator such as a court Ch 12 Communication page 310 the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver and the inference per ception of meaning between the individuals involved Communication noise page 312 Personal Barriers page 314 anything that interferes with the transmission and understanding of a message Any characteristics or traits a person might have to hinder their communication There are lots of personal barriers such as poor listening skills big ego inability to communi cate etc Jargon page 316 language or terminology that is specific to a particular profession group or company ex when doctors say I need that STAT Communication styles page 319 Assertive style pushing hard without attacking expressive of goals Taking advantage of others expressive at others expense Aggressive style Nonassertive style Timid and self denying behavior Email as communication page 330 Many benefits and drawbacks dia Ch 13 Benefits include the fact that its free flexible fast and can incorporate teams Cons include wasted time and effort information overload neglect of other me Influence tactics page 340 There are 9 genereic influence tactics to be familiar with i Rational persuasion convincing someone with reason logic facts Inspirational appeals inspiring someone to do something Ingratiaiton Flattering someone to get them in a good mood Personal Appeals refferring to friendship and loyalty when making a request ii iii Consultation getting others to plan participate in making decisions and changes iv v vi Exchange Making explicit promises or trading favors vii Coalition Getting others to support your efforts to persuade someone viii Pressure Demanding or intimidating ix Legitimating Basing a request on your authoroty or right Power bases page 344 There are 5 bases of power to be familiar with Reward Power
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